Behold The Lamb

There are many titles for Jesus in the Bible. Each name or title gives us insight into His character or His mission. Using His many names and titles is a great way to praise the Lord. Simply consider the meaning and give Him praise for that aspect of His perfect character. None of His titles has any more meaning for us than the one used by John, the Baptist, shortly after he was shown that Jesus was the Christ sent from God. (John 1:35,36) Let's explore this one briefly today.

When Jesus passed by John, the Baptist, and two of his disciples, John looked at Jesus and called on his disciples to behold Him. He wanted them to look closely and examine this man, because He was no ordinary man. That is why John used the title "The Lamb of God." The Jews were very familiar with lambs. They were totally innocent and very humble, as was Jesus. They were quiet animals, which were  unable to defend themselves against their attackers, which is how Jesus was at the end of His life, since He gave Himself freely for us. However, the chief thing about lambs was how often they were used as sacrifices. The main time of the year that the people sacrificed lambs was for the Passover dinner. The blood of the lamb was put on the doorposts and lintel of the door, as their forefathers had done in Egypt. That way the family would be saved from the death of the firstborn. Jesus shed His blood for us at the time of Passover, so His blood could atone for our sins, and we could be given eternal life. Without His sinless sacrifice, we could never have our sins cleansed and be set free to live with Him. Truly, we all need to "Behold the Lamb of God."

Tomorrow, I intend to read John 2-5.

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