Trusting God
Life is all about trusting God. It is not just that we need to trust the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us and rose again to pay for our sins and win the victory over sin, death, and Satan. Every day we have a choice of whether we will trust the revelation of God to us or not. Most of the time today that trust is shown by believing and living out His Word, the Bible. However, there are still other decisions we make that are not expressly covered in the Bible, so we have to trust in Him to answer our prayers and to guide us through wise counselors and principles of the Bible. When Jeremiah spoke God's Word to the people, they had the choice of trusting God or not. Most chose not to trust God. They put Jeremiah in a well of wet mud to die of hunger. However, Ebed-melech, the Ethiopian, did trust God. He believed what Jeremiah said, and he ended up saving his life by pulling him from the mud. Because of his trust in God, he was delivered from the sword of the king of Babylon when he took the city of Jerusalem. (Jeremiah 39:18) How are you doing at trusting God?
When we wake up in the morning, our day should be ordered to make sure we trust God in all we do. That is why we should spend that "unhurried time" with the Lord before we do anything else. That sets our hearts and minds on Him, to hear Him and obey. However, once our time with the Lord is over that is just the beginning of trusting God. Then, we do the things He showed us as we prayed, or we proceed to obey what we know is right from His Word. We pray without ceasing. We walk in the Spirit. We are sensitive to whatever the Spirit says, so we can obey God on a moments notice. We reflect Christ to all we meet, because His goal for all believers is for us to be like Christ in what we say and do. We are faithful to serve Him in and through the church, which is the body of Christ. Once we are doing these things consistently, we are beginning to know what it means to live a life of trusting God. Then, He may call us to do something even more specialized just for us, like sending us somewhere else to do His will. When we live a life of trust, God is with us, as He was with Ebed-melech. We receive the rewards of faith and being true to the Lord in dangerous times of spiritual warfare. That is how life was designed by God for us who know Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 40-42.
When we wake up in the morning, our day should be ordered to make sure we trust God in all we do. That is why we should spend that "unhurried time" with the Lord before we do anything else. That sets our hearts and minds on Him, to hear Him and obey. However, once our time with the Lord is over that is just the beginning of trusting God. Then, we do the things He showed us as we prayed, or we proceed to obey what we know is right from His Word. We pray without ceasing. We walk in the Spirit. We are sensitive to whatever the Spirit says, so we can obey God on a moments notice. We reflect Christ to all we meet, because His goal for all believers is for us to be like Christ in what we say and do. We are faithful to serve Him in and through the church, which is the body of Christ. Once we are doing these things consistently, we are beginning to know what it means to live a life of trusting God. Then, He may call us to do something even more specialized just for us, like sending us somewhere else to do His will. When we live a life of trust, God is with us, as He was with Ebed-melech. We receive the rewards of faith and being true to the Lord in dangerous times of spiritual warfare. That is how life was designed by God for us who know Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 40-42.