God's Desires for All People

God has a heart of compassion and grace, because He is love. Love cares for the other person and wants to see their deepest needs met well. Love goes out of its way to help meet those needs. God saw the need of all mankind to be saved from our sins, and because of His love, He desires for all people to be saved. Then, He desires for all who know Him to come to the knowledge of the truth. (I Timothy 2:3,4) What a wonderful God He is!

Just think of all of the people in this world and all who have ever lived. God desires for each and every one of them to be saved from their sins. That is why He gave us the mission to take the Good News to every people group in the world. Since His heart is for all to be saved, it should be our heart, too. That is why we pray, give, and send out the people He calls to be international missionaries. That is why we seek those around us to be saved by our sharing of the gospel. Also, Jesus told us He is "The Truth." When people come to know Him, they know the Truth, and they can come to know Him and His truth fully. That is why we spread the Word of God, and the Spirit teaches us all about the truth from the Word of God. I pray that all of us will have the heart of God for all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth, so that we do something to show people Jesus.

Tomorrow, I intend to read I Timothy 3-6.

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