The Reason for King Saul's Death
Many people have a false idea about sickness and death. They think that Satan is the only one who makes people sick and kills people. That is not a Biblical belief. The Bible is full of stories that are very clear about God causing sickness and death for various reasons. King Saul was one of the people the Lord had killed, and there were specific reasons. (I Chronicles 10:13) We need to hear those reasons, and receive them as a warning for those of us who know the Lord.
Saul was unfaithful to God, and he went against what God told him to do. He was supposed to kill the people and the animals of one city his army defeated, because of God's direct command. He did not do it, because the people wanted to keep the best of the animals. Also, God told him to wait for Samuel, the priest, and to let him offer the sacrifices before one of the battles. Saul did not wait. He carried out the sacrifices himself, and did not keep God's word. Also, Saul consulted a medium, the witch at Endor. He knew that was an abomination to the Lord, but he did it anyway. Therefore, God brought his life to an abrupt end, when a Philistine soldier took a random shot and hit him right in the crack in the king's armor with an arrow. Saul could have lived longer and done well as king, if he had not done these things.
Often, when we have sickness and when people die, it is not the Lord who causes it. However, if we are directly unfaithful to our Lord, He can and will remove us from this earth for being disobedient and a bad witness to others. I pray that we will be faithful, and God will be able to allow us to live the full length of our days on this earth, being used by Him every day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 11-13.
Saul was unfaithful to God, and he went against what God told him to do. He was supposed to kill the people and the animals of one city his army defeated, because of God's direct command. He did not do it, because the people wanted to keep the best of the animals. Also, God told him to wait for Samuel, the priest, and to let him offer the sacrifices before one of the battles. Saul did not wait. He carried out the sacrifices himself, and did not keep God's word. Also, Saul consulted a medium, the witch at Endor. He knew that was an abomination to the Lord, but he did it anyway. Therefore, God brought his life to an abrupt end, when a Philistine soldier took a random shot and hit him right in the crack in the king's armor with an arrow. Saul could have lived longer and done well as king, if he had not done these things.
Often, when we have sickness and when people die, it is not the Lord who causes it. However, if we are directly unfaithful to our Lord, He can and will remove us from this earth for being disobedient and a bad witness to others. I pray that we will be faithful, and God will be able to allow us to live the full length of our days on this earth, being used by Him every day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 11-13.