Living by Faith
The prophet Habakkuk gave us one of the great truths of the Bible, when the Lord showed him that the just shall live by his faith. (Habakkuk 2:4) This verse is quoted several times in the rest of the Bible, because it is so basic to knowing the Lord and having eternal life. We need to explore just what the Lord revealed to his prophet.
The soul of the proud person is not upright. The word upright means righteous or right with the Lord. Why is that the case? Pride leads us to trust in ourselves and to seek our own glory. This is opposite of trusting the Lord. This was the first sin in the universe as Lucifer was filled with pride and desired to be worshiped like God. When we are proud, we want the glory, because we think we are wise enough and strong enough to live our life by ourselves, without God.
However, the just person, the righteous person, lives by his faith. He or she knows that they can't live life well on their own. They know they must trust the Lord who is all-wise and all-powerful, so that is what they do. They live each day by faith in the Lord, humbly submitting to Him and His ways. Then, they know the Lord and walk with Him in a close relationship.
We all need to forsake pride and embrace the life of faith. It begins when we admit our sinfulness and repent, turning to Christ in faith. Trusting Him because He died and rose again to save us from our sins and show He is Lord of all.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Habakkuk 3 and Zephaniah 1-2.
The soul of the proud person is not upright. The word upright means righteous or right with the Lord. Why is that the case? Pride leads us to trust in ourselves and to seek our own glory. This is opposite of trusting the Lord. This was the first sin in the universe as Lucifer was filled with pride and desired to be worshiped like God. When we are proud, we want the glory, because we think we are wise enough and strong enough to live our life by ourselves, without God.
However, the just person, the righteous person, lives by his faith. He or she knows that they can't live life well on their own. They know they must trust the Lord who is all-wise and all-powerful, so that is what they do. They live each day by faith in the Lord, humbly submitting to Him and His ways. Then, they know the Lord and walk with Him in a close relationship.
We all need to forsake pride and embrace the life of faith. It begins when we admit our sinfulness and repent, turning to Christ in faith. Trusting Him because He died and rose again to save us from our sins and show He is Lord of all.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Habakkuk 3 and Zephaniah 1-2.