How Bright Will You be?
Daniel gives us a glimpse into eternity. Evidently, we will be gloriously radiant like angels when we get our eternal bodies and live with the Lord in heaven forever. However, some of us will shine more than others. Daniel tells us who the "brightest ones" will be. (Daniel 12:3) Will you be one of these?
The wise will shine like the brightness of the firmament or sky forever. Just think of how bright the sky can be on a clear day. Even when we face away from the sun, the brightness can hurt our human eyes. In heaven our eyes won't hurt, but we will be able to see the wise shining like the sky as a reward for seeking God's wisdom and living by it here in this world.
Also, those who turn many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever and ever. We may not be impressed by this if we live in a big city, but if we have ever been away from the city lights to look at the stars, we know what this is talking about. The shining stars are so glorious. Each one is distinctive. That will be our reward if we have been active in turning people to the Lord in this life.
I know we don't serve the Lord for the rewards, because we do it all in His power. However, this should show us what is important in life and encourage us to be wise and a good witness for Jesus.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Hosea 1-3.
The wise will shine like the brightness of the firmament or sky forever. Just think of how bright the sky can be on a clear day. Even when we face away from the sun, the brightness can hurt our human eyes. In heaven our eyes won't hurt, but we will be able to see the wise shining like the sky as a reward for seeking God's wisdom and living by it here in this world.
Also, those who turn many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever and ever. We may not be impressed by this if we live in a big city, but if we have ever been away from the city lights to look at the stars, we know what this is talking about. The shining stars are so glorious. Each one is distinctive. That will be our reward if we have been active in turning people to the Lord in this life.
I know we don't serve the Lord for the rewards, because we do it all in His power. However, this should show us what is important in life and encourage us to be wise and a good witness for Jesus.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Hosea 1-3.