Till There Was No Remedy
Judah finally fell to Babylon, after God had done everything He could to call them back to Him and His Word. However, the people mocked His messengers, despised His Words, and scoffed at His prophets. (II Chronicles 36:16) Does that sound familiar? The most sober message is the end of this verse. They continued doing these things, till there was no remedy. I pray the USA has not reached this point yet.
This Thursday, May 5, is the National Day of Prayer. Churches and individual believers will be seeking the Lord in prayer and asking Him to heal our land. I pray our prayers will shake heaven, so we will see God pour out an Awakening on America. I hope you will join me in this special effort. However, it is painful to consider that there may be no remedy for our country. We may have mocked, despised and scoffed so much that God has made up His mind to see us brought down. That prospect leads me to ask us to pray, as if this were our last chance to see America turn back to God.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezra 3-5.
This Thursday, May 5, is the National Day of Prayer. Churches and individual believers will be seeking the Lord in prayer and asking Him to heal our land. I pray our prayers will shake heaven, so we will see God pour out an Awakening on America. I hope you will join me in this special effort. However, it is painful to consider that there may be no remedy for our country. We may have mocked, despised and scoffed so much that God has made up His mind to see us brought down. That prospect leads me to ask us to pray, as if this were our last chance to see America turn back to God.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezra 3-5.