Worshiping the Lord
Abraham's servant bowed himself to the ground to humbly worship the Lord, after God led him directly to the right wife for Isaac. (Genesis 24:52) In this one verse we see several things about worship that will help all of us truly worship the Lord as we should.
The servant worshiped when he heard the words of Rebekah's family telling him that they would send her to be Isaac's wife. Worship is a response to God's revelation of Himself to us. The servant knew that God had certainly worked all of the circumstances out for him to hear these words and complete the task given by his master, Abraham. God revealed Himself as the One who cares and the One who leads the way. His worship was giving God glory for what He had done and for who He was. Our worship should be the same way. When God speaks through a song, a verse, or another person, we should receive that revelation and worship God for it.
The worship of the servant was spontaneous and immediate. He did not have to plan out what He would do. He did not have to be in a temple or even before an altar. When his heart was filled with thankfulness and praise, he immediately started to worship. This is true of all worship. We have worship services, and it is right to plan them, and to present them with the quality that is due the Lord, but that does not guarantee everyone will worship. Those whose hearts are right with God and are ready to express their praise and thanksgiving to Him, will be the true worshipers.
The servant fell to the earth, bowing before the Lord. He physically expressed the worship of his heart. He was uninhibited, so that he did not care what others might think. He knew he must bow before the Lord in humble worship. The same could be said for those who bow, kneel, or raise their hands in worship today. It is real worship, because the body joins the soul in giving God all of the glory due His holy, loving, All-powerful name.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 28-31.
The servant worshiped when he heard the words of Rebekah's family telling him that they would send her to be Isaac's wife. Worship is a response to God's revelation of Himself to us. The servant knew that God had certainly worked all of the circumstances out for him to hear these words and complete the task given by his master, Abraham. God revealed Himself as the One who cares and the One who leads the way. His worship was giving God glory for what He had done and for who He was. Our worship should be the same way. When God speaks through a song, a verse, or another person, we should receive that revelation and worship God for it.
The worship of the servant was spontaneous and immediate. He did not have to plan out what He would do. He did not have to be in a temple or even before an altar. When his heart was filled with thankfulness and praise, he immediately started to worship. This is true of all worship. We have worship services, and it is right to plan them, and to present them with the quality that is due the Lord, but that does not guarantee everyone will worship. Those whose hearts are right with God and are ready to express their praise and thanksgiving to Him, will be the true worshipers.
The servant fell to the earth, bowing before the Lord. He physically expressed the worship of his heart. He was uninhibited, so that he did not care what others might think. He knew he must bow before the Lord in humble worship. The same could be said for those who bow, kneel, or raise their hands in worship today. It is real worship, because the body joins the soul in giving God all of the glory due His holy, loving, All-powerful name.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 28-31.