Man's Vision Versus God's Vision
There are some people today, who say that we should think up a grand vision for our lives and ask God to bless us to achieve that vision. In fact, they say that the bigger the vision, the better it is, because it is worthy of the All-powerful God we serve. I believe the Bible teaches something much different than that about vision. God does not want us to think up the vision. He wants us to listen to Him and carry out the vision He gives us. The people who were alive after the flood learned this lesson the hard way. (Genesis 11:1,4) Let's see what happened to them.
At that time there was one language and everyone could understand each other, so they were unified. They traveled together to the plain of Shinar, and they decided on their own to build a city, and to build a tower that would reach up into the heavens. They were doing this to make a name for themselves, and so that they would not be scattered over the face of the whole earth. They were proud of their power to build, and they wanted to live together in one big city. All of that was man's vision, and it was wrong.
God told men His vision over and over again. They were to be fruitful and multiply, and fill the whole earth. God wanted them to spread out over the world. He did not want them to just live in one big city. How would they raise enough food? Would they end up limiting the population so they could stay together? Their plan was opposite of what God wanted people to do. That is why God gave them different languages, which caused them to move apart, and it lessened their unity to work together on their vision.
God will do much the same thing to us today, if we try to follow our own vision for our lives. He will do what it takes to get us to listen to Him and fulfill what He wants. However, it is much better, if we will just listen to Him and obey Him from the beginning. Why not stop and pray for God to show you His vision for your life for 2016 right now? Then, when He shows you what it is, do it with His power, and He will bless you richly.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 12-14.
At that time there was one language and everyone could understand each other, so they were unified. They traveled together to the plain of Shinar, and they decided on their own to build a city, and to build a tower that would reach up into the heavens. They were doing this to make a name for themselves, and so that they would not be scattered over the face of the whole earth. They were proud of their power to build, and they wanted to live together in one big city. All of that was man's vision, and it was wrong.
God told men His vision over and over again. They were to be fruitful and multiply, and fill the whole earth. God wanted them to spread out over the world. He did not want them to just live in one big city. How would they raise enough food? Would they end up limiting the population so they could stay together? Their plan was opposite of what God wanted people to do. That is why God gave them different languages, which caused them to move apart, and it lessened their unity to work together on their vision.
God will do much the same thing to us today, if we try to follow our own vision for our lives. He will do what it takes to get us to listen to Him and fulfill what He wants. However, it is much better, if we will just listen to Him and obey Him from the beginning. Why not stop and pray for God to show you His vision for your life for 2016 right now? Then, when He shows you what it is, do it with His power, and He will bless you richly.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 12-14.