Repent and Be Converted
Peter preached his second sermon in Acts 3 after the healing of the lame man outside the temple. It is similar to the message on the day of Pentecost in that he boldly proclaimed that they had killed the Lord Jesus and that He rose from the dead. At the end of both messages he called on the people to repent. In Acts 3 he was even more specific when he told them to repent and be converted that their sins may be blotted out. (Acts 3:19) I believe it is essential for us to fully understand this verse.
Both of these verbs, repent and be converted are the aorist active tense, so that they signify the people had to make a one time action. In other words, they needed to change their minds and turn to the Lord. The change of mind is translated "repent." It means to stop thinking their way was right and to decide the Lord's way was correct. Then, the turn to the Lord is translated "be converted." That word means to turn to the Lord, so that they love Him and trust Him, not themselves. That is a huge change of mind and direction in life that Peter called on them to take, but it was necessary for them to be saved.
It is only then that he says "that your sins may be blotted out." Again, that is one time action, but it passive, instead of active. That shows that the people could not forgive their own sins, but once they repented and turned to the Lord in love and faith, He would blot out their sins. Then, the refreshing of the Lord would come into their lives by the wind of the Spirit. That is God's gift to those who turn to Him once and for all.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Acts 4-6.
Both of these verbs, repent and be converted are the aorist active tense, so that they signify the people had to make a one time action. In other words, they needed to change their minds and turn to the Lord. The change of mind is translated "repent." It means to stop thinking their way was right and to decide the Lord's way was correct. Then, the turn to the Lord is translated "be converted." That word means to turn to the Lord, so that they love Him and trust Him, not themselves. That is a huge change of mind and direction in life that Peter called on them to take, but it was necessary for them to be saved.
It is only then that he says "that your sins may be blotted out." Again, that is one time action, but it passive, instead of active. That shows that the people could not forgive their own sins, but once they repented and turned to the Lord in love and faith, He would blot out their sins. Then, the refreshing of the Lord would come into their lives by the wind of the Spirit. That is God's gift to those who turn to Him once and for all.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Acts 4-6.