The First Sin
People don't really understand sin. God did not create Satan, and He does not cause people to sin. It was never God's intention for us to sin, at all. He created a beautiful, anointed cherub angel, Lucifer, who was very prominent around the throne of God and probably led the worship of God by the other angels, even before the rest of the universe was created. God made him and all of everything He made perfectly.(Ezekiel 28:15) However, the perfection changed when Lucifer became proud because of his beauty and knowledge, which were given to him by God, and he decided to rebel against God. In essence he wanted to be worshiped like God, he wanted to be the most important one. That was the first sin, and sin has spread from there.
God gave His angels a choice of whether to love Him and worship Him, because without a choice, love and worship are empty and meaningless. God wants true worship and love. He is worthy to receive it from angels and from us. The problem is that when God made angels and humans perfectly, they saw how wondrously they were created. Instead of glorifying God, pride entered their hearts, and they thought they knew enough to decide to do things their way. Sin is doing things our way, not God's way. Lucifer did it. One third of the angels did it. Adam and Eve did it. We all do it. However, God did not ordain it or want it. He gave us every reason and opportunity to love and worship Him, not ourselves.
Of course, God knew this would happen, so that confuses people. Why would God give angels and humans a choice, if He knew it would lead to sin? Well, that shows that the God who is love and holy knows completely that angels and people could not love or be holy, if they had no alternative. Therefore, God formed His plan of salvation before the universe was created. He decided to provide the solution to sin before people existed. Jesus paid for our sins. He died for us. Now, if we decide to stop doing things our way and trust God's way, Jesus. as Lord and Savior, we can get back to real life. Real life is loving God, being holy like Him, and and worshiping Him as we were always intended to do.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 31-34.
God gave His angels a choice of whether to love Him and worship Him, because without a choice, love and worship are empty and meaningless. God wants true worship and love. He is worthy to receive it from angels and from us. The problem is that when God made angels and humans perfectly, they saw how wondrously they were created. Instead of glorifying God, pride entered their hearts, and they thought they knew enough to decide to do things their way. Sin is doing things our way, not God's way. Lucifer did it. One third of the angels did it. Adam and Eve did it. We all do it. However, God did not ordain it or want it. He gave us every reason and opportunity to love and worship Him, not ourselves.
Of course, God knew this would happen, so that confuses people. Why would God give angels and humans a choice, if He knew it would lead to sin? Well, that shows that the God who is love and holy knows completely that angels and people could not love or be holy, if they had no alternative. Therefore, God formed His plan of salvation before the universe was created. He decided to provide the solution to sin before people existed. Jesus paid for our sins. He died for us. Now, if we decide to stop doing things our way and trust God's way, Jesus. as Lord and Savior, we can get back to real life. Real life is loving God, being holy like Him, and and worshiping Him as we were always intended to do.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 31-34.