It Is Time To Seek The Lord!
There is no time like now to seek the Lord. Our church just finished revival services with Evangelist Steve Franz, and his messages gave us all a lot to consider and to seek the Lord for. Hosea reminded the people of his day that they needed God to rain righteousness on them, so they needed to seek the Lord by breaking up the fallow ground of their hearts to plant righteousness in their lives.(Hosea 10:12) I believe this verse gives us a good outline of how to seek the Lord.
First, plant righteousness in our lives. That simply means to do whatever we know is right. Pray, abide in the Word, share the Good News, forgive others, and everything else we know God would have us to do. We must arrange our daily schedule to make them a part of our lives consistently. Then, we will reap the fruit of those seeds of righteousness in God's mercy. The fruit will be because of God's power and grace, not our works. Next, we must make sure that our hearts are soft to receive God's Word and hear from Him. If it takes plowing up our hearts, so be it. Anything less is ineffective when it comes to seeking the Lord. Once we have done these things with a sincere heart, God will rain His righteousness on us, so we can bear more and more fruit in our lives. Sounds like the life of a farmer, doesn't it? Get the right seeds to plant. Break up the ground and plant them well. Ask the Lord to bless by seeking Him in prayer, and wait for the rain from God. Try it. You will be amazed at the results in your life.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Hosea 13-14 and Joel 1-2.
First, plant righteousness in our lives. That simply means to do whatever we know is right. Pray, abide in the Word, share the Good News, forgive others, and everything else we know God would have us to do. We must arrange our daily schedule to make them a part of our lives consistently. Then, we will reap the fruit of those seeds of righteousness in God's mercy. The fruit will be because of God's power and grace, not our works. Next, we must make sure that our hearts are soft to receive God's Word and hear from Him. If it takes plowing up our hearts, so be it. Anything less is ineffective when it comes to seeking the Lord. Once we have done these things with a sincere heart, God will rain His righteousness on us, so we can bear more and more fruit in our lives. Sounds like the life of a farmer, doesn't it? Get the right seeds to plant. Break up the ground and plant them well. Ask the Lord to bless by seeking Him in prayer, and wait for the rain from God. Try it. You will be amazed at the results in your life.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Hosea 13-14 and Joel 1-2.