Knowing God By Name
Many people know about God. Some people know God. There is a huge difference between the two. God revealed His special name to Moses, so he would know God in a special way for the task that was ahead of him.(Exodus 6:3) We see God doing that all the way through the Bible. Each name and title for God reveals His character and power in a new way to those who know Him by that name.
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob knew God by the name God Almighty. They needed to know that He had all of the power, and that He was the One True God. God Almighty was a great name for them to know Him by. However, Moses needed to know God even more. Therefore, God came to Moses and revealed His name to be YHWH. In Hebrew that means "I Am." This is God's eternal name, because it shows His eternal nature.(Exodus 3:15) It also could be understood to mean that God is whatever He needs to be for us to accomplish His mission for our lives. He is not what we want Him to be like a genie in a bottle. He is able to be whatever we need as we follow Him as Lord of our lives. Moses needed to know God that way, as he led two million people out of Egypt, across the Red Sea on dry ground, and through the wilderness for forty years.
Today, we know God as The Lord Jesus Christ. He is Lord of all of the universe. He is the God who saves. He is the Anointed One who came to show us the Father in all He said and did. Do you know Him by those names? That is how He wants all of us to know Him today. Once we know Him by name, we have all we need for life, abundant and eternal.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 7-10.
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob knew God by the name God Almighty. They needed to know that He had all of the power, and that He was the One True God. God Almighty was a great name for them to know Him by. However, Moses needed to know God even more. Therefore, God came to Moses and revealed His name to be YHWH. In Hebrew that means "I Am." This is God's eternal name, because it shows His eternal nature.(Exodus 3:15) It also could be understood to mean that God is whatever He needs to be for us to accomplish His mission for our lives. He is not what we want Him to be like a genie in a bottle. He is able to be whatever we need as we follow Him as Lord of our lives. Moses needed to know God that way, as he led two million people out of Egypt, across the Red Sea on dry ground, and through the wilderness for forty years.
Today, we know God as The Lord Jesus Christ. He is Lord of all of the universe. He is the God who saves. He is the Anointed One who came to show us the Father in all He said and did. Do you know Him by those names? That is how He wants all of us to know Him today. Once we know Him by name, we have all we need for life, abundant and eternal.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 7-10.