I found the perfect verse to show what I learned not too long ago. It is Psalm 119:112. The psalmist knew that our walk with the Lord was based on the inclination of our hearts to "perform" His statutes, not just on knowing His statutes. There is a huge difference.
Paul said it well when he told us that knowledge puffs us up. We feel pride sometimes because we know more about God's Word than other people. However, knowing it doesn't help us, if we do not perform it. The Christian life is living out our faith every day by doing what the Lord would have us to do. If we are to be good, mature Christians, we will have to incline our hearts to perform His commands.
I like this wording because it shows us the need to set our hearts on His way, not ours. It is a plan of life. What do we do? We do what God's Word says to do. There is a command or a principle for every situation in life. Once we get this truth, we will set out to find it and perform it every time. Then, God can grow us and fulfill our lives by His grace and power. We have to want to do it, and decide we will incline our hearts that way, then, He gives us the power and wisdom to do it all His way.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 122-124.
Paul said it well when he told us that knowledge puffs us up. We feel pride sometimes because we know more about God's Word than other people. However, knowing it doesn't help us, if we do not perform it. The Christian life is living out our faith every day by doing what the Lord would have us to do. If we are to be good, mature Christians, we will have to incline our hearts to perform His commands.
I like this wording because it shows us the need to set our hearts on His way, not ours. It is a plan of life. What do we do? We do what God's Word says to do. There is a command or a principle for every situation in life. Once we get this truth, we will set out to find it and perform it every time. Then, God can grow us and fulfill our lives by His grace and power. We have to want to do it, and decide we will incline our hearts that way, then, He gives us the power and wisdom to do it all His way.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 122-124.