Our God Does Whatever He Pleases
The One True God is not manipulated by anyone. He does what He pleases. He is the God we serve.(Psalm 115:3) I am so glad that He is pleased to love all people, and to give everyone the opportunity to be saved from their sins and have eternal life with Him in heaven.
Our God speaks when He pleases. He goes where He pleases. He does what He pleases, because He knows what is right and good. He always does the right thing, because He is the Holy God. He never fails in what He does, because he is the All-Mighty God.
Jesus is God. He was pleased to become a man, so He could die for us and for our sins. I am so thankful He was pleased to do that for me and for every other human being. Now, He is pleased to intercede for us every day. One day the Father will be pleased to send Him back to earth. Nothing can stop Him. Then, God will bring this earth to an end, as He pleases. Man will have nothing to do with how it comes to an end.
I believe we should find what pleases God and do it. We know that faith in Him is one of those things, so let's trust the One Who Does as He Pleases.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 118-119:88.
Our God speaks when He pleases. He goes where He pleases. He does what He pleases, because He knows what is right and good. He always does the right thing, because He is the Holy God. He never fails in what He does, because he is the All-Mighty God.
Jesus is God. He was pleased to become a man, so He could die for us and for our sins. I am so thankful He was pleased to do that for me and for every other human being. Now, He is pleased to intercede for us every day. One day the Father will be pleased to send Him back to earth. Nothing can stop Him. Then, God will bring this earth to an end, as He pleases. Man will have nothing to do with how it comes to an end.
I believe we should find what pleases God and do it. We know that faith in Him is one of those things, so let's trust the One Who Does as He Pleases.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 118-119:88.