A Special Promise to Believers
Have you ever wondered if God is listening to you when you pray? I have heard many people who said something like that to me. Well, tonight I have a promise from God to guarantee that God will always hear your prayers and answer by doing His will. It is a very familiar verse that we tend to forget.(II Chronicles 7:14)
This verse simply says that if believers will humble themselves before they pray, and then, pray while seeking God's face and turning from their sins, God will not only hear their prayers, but He will forgive their sins and heal their land. Now, most of us might not want something as big as healing our land, but it shows us what He is willing to do for those who are His own.
I hope each of us will take this promise to heart and pray not only for ourselves, but also, for our country. We need divine intervention to solve our very complex problems. He can do it all, but He wants us to call out to Him in faith.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 8-10.