Most people I know want to prosper. Many times the definition of prosperity is to make a lot of money. That is not how the Lord looks at prosperity. There are many ways for us to prosper that don't require money. We can prosper by having an abundance of godly wisdom. Then, we make the right decisions, and we see progress in our lives toward God's will. Also, if we have an abundance of godly contentment, we do not have to have very much money to feel prosperous. We see the things that are really important in life.
Zechariah, the son of Jehoiada the priest challenged the people of Judah after they turned from the Lord, because he realized that they could not prosper without following the commands of God.(II Chronicles 24:20) He was challenging those Old Testament believers, because he knew God would not bless them, if they broke His commands. God can't bless believers who forsake Him, or He would be encouraging them to sin more.
It is different for non-believers. They do not know God's commands, and they do not have a desire to please God unless the Spirit is convicting them of their sins in a strong way. They want money and power. They think that is prospering. However, once they get the material things of life, they realize their life is still empty. They may have a huge amount of money, but they have not peace. God uses that lack of peace to draw them to trust Him, so they can know Him and receive His blessings.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 25-27.
Zechariah, the son of Jehoiada the priest challenged the people of Judah after they turned from the Lord, because he realized that they could not prosper without following the commands of God.(II Chronicles 24:20) He was challenging those Old Testament believers, because he knew God would not bless them, if they broke His commands. God can't bless believers who forsake Him, or He would be encouraging them to sin more.
It is different for non-believers. They do not know God's commands, and they do not have a desire to please God unless the Spirit is convicting them of their sins in a strong way. They want money and power. They think that is prospering. However, once they get the material things of life, they realize their life is still empty. They may have a huge amount of money, but they have not peace. God uses that lack of peace to draw them to trust Him, so they can know Him and receive His blessings.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 25-27.