Complete Obedience or Cafeteria Commitment
In the days of Josiah, king of Judah, a copy of the book of the covenant was found in the temple. It had been years since the people had read God's Word that we have in the first 5 books of the Bible. When Josiah heard it, he was stunned. He realized how God's wrath was being poured out on Judah since their fathers had not obeyed all that was in the Law of God.(II Kings 22:13) He knew that it was not written for someone else. It was all for them to obey completely.
That is true for us today. We are suffering, because we have the whole Word of God, the Bible, but we don't obey it all. We might pick and choose, so that we obey the convenient parts or the parts we like, but not all of it. We have a cafeteria commitment. We only take what we want, and we leave the rest. God never blesses that kind of commitment.
Josiah went on to be an exceptional king, who destroyed every pagan altar and element in the whole land. However, it was a short revival, because the people went right back to paganism after he died. They never truly trusted the Lord. They only went along with the king. I pray that we all have a complete obedience to Jesus and that we are not just going to church to please another human being.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 25 and I Chronicles 1-3.
That is true for us today. We are suffering, because we have the whole Word of God, the Bible, but we don't obey it all. We might pick and choose, so that we obey the convenient parts or the parts we like, but not all of it. We have a cafeteria commitment. We only take what we want, and we leave the rest. God never blesses that kind of commitment.
Josiah went on to be an exceptional king, who destroyed every pagan altar and element in the whole land. However, it was a short revival, because the people went right back to paganism after he died. They never truly trusted the Lord. They only went along with the king. I pray that we all have a complete obedience to Jesus and that we are not just going to church to please another human being.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 25 and I Chronicles 1-3.