How Strong Is Your Soul?
My verse for today was Acts 14:22. It contains a clause with an important truth. It says that Paul and Barnabas were "strengthening the souls of the disciples." That leads me to the question, "How strong is your soul?" How does your soul need to be strengthened?
Every person has a soul. It is who we are as a person. I believe it is made up of our mind, our will, and our emotions. Therefore, if we are to have our souls strengthened, we would have to see our mind, will, and emotions become stronger.
We strengthen our minds when we add knowledge and we learn how to apply it according to God's wisdom. If we have little knowledge of God's Word, we will have a weak mind, because we will not have the truth we need to know God's will and to do God's will. Bible study makes our minds stronger, as well as praying for God to give us His wisdom.
Our will is the part of us that makes decisions. We need a strong will to be able to choose to do the right thing every time. To have a strong will, we must grow in our commitment and resolve to follow the Spirit. He will give us the strength to follow God's will, but we have to ask for it. We have to want it.
Finally, our emotions can be very weak and fleshly. It is only when our emotions are guided by the Spirit, and we exhibit the fruit of the Spirit that our emotions are strong. Then, we have strong, solid love, joy, peace, etc. Then, we are not a push over emotionally.
I pray that we will all do what it take to strengthen our souls, and be mature believers who can do God's will on a consistent basis.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Acts 18-21.
Every person has a soul. It is who we are as a person. I believe it is made up of our mind, our will, and our emotions. Therefore, if we are to have our souls strengthened, we would have to see our mind, will, and emotions become stronger.
We strengthen our minds when we add knowledge and we learn how to apply it according to God's wisdom. If we have little knowledge of God's Word, we will have a weak mind, because we will not have the truth we need to know God's will and to do God's will. Bible study makes our minds stronger, as well as praying for God to give us His wisdom.
Our will is the part of us that makes decisions. We need a strong will to be able to choose to do the right thing every time. To have a strong will, we must grow in our commitment and resolve to follow the Spirit. He will give us the strength to follow God's will, but we have to ask for it. We have to want it.
Finally, our emotions can be very weak and fleshly. It is only when our emotions are guided by the Spirit, and we exhibit the fruit of the Spirit that our emotions are strong. Then, we have strong, solid love, joy, peace, etc. Then, we are not a push over emotionally.
I pray that we will all do what it take to strengthen our souls, and be mature believers who can do God's will on a consistent basis.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Acts 18-21.