Return to Me
My verse for today was Zechariah 1:3 where the Lord told the prophet to call on the people to return to Him. In response, He promises to return to them. This is a simple thought, but very profound at the same time.
Everyone wanders from God or rebels against God in various ways and at various times in our lives. Just like Adam and Eve broke the one thing God laid down for them not to do, we disobey God. Our sinful, fallen nature we received from Adam and Eve leads us in that direction until we get saved. Then, after salvation Satan tempts us through the flesh to wander from God or disobey Him. However, when we find ourselves away from God, we can return. God never commands us to do anything we can't do. We have the ability and the need to turn away from sin and to return to God. This is true for unbelievers and for believers.
God's promise is the same in every instance. Whenever a person returns to God, He will meet them. He will return to them. Now, why is that important? It shows God's mindset. He does not force anyone to love Him or to follow Him. He gives us our space if that is what we want. However, His Spirit convicts us of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment.(John 16:8-11)We know what we are doing is not right, but the ball is in our court. It is our decision to make. Will we return to Him, or not? He longs for fellowship with us, but forced fellowship is not fulfilling to people or to God, so He waits. When we return, He returns.
If you are far from God today, He has not moved. You have moved from Him, and He is waiting for you to return to Him. Please, know that He will gladly embrace you, if you will come to Him for the first time or make your way back to Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Zechariah 3-5.
Everyone wanders from God or rebels against God in various ways and at various times in our lives. Just like Adam and Eve broke the one thing God laid down for them not to do, we disobey God. Our sinful, fallen nature we received from Adam and Eve leads us in that direction until we get saved. Then, after salvation Satan tempts us through the flesh to wander from God or disobey Him. However, when we find ourselves away from God, we can return. God never commands us to do anything we can't do. We have the ability and the need to turn away from sin and to return to God. This is true for unbelievers and for believers.
God's promise is the same in every instance. Whenever a person returns to God, He will meet them. He will return to them. Now, why is that important? It shows God's mindset. He does not force anyone to love Him or to follow Him. He gives us our space if that is what we want. However, His Spirit convicts us of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment.(John 16:8-11)We know what we are doing is not right, but the ball is in our court. It is our decision to make. Will we return to Him, or not? He longs for fellowship with us, but forced fellowship is not fulfilling to people or to God, so He waits. When we return, He returns.
If you are far from God today, He has not moved. You have moved from Him, and He is waiting for you to return to Him. Please, know that He will gladly embrace you, if you will come to Him for the first time or make your way back to Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Zechariah 3-5.