Each morning I get up and spend my "unhurried time" with the Lord. That is how this blog began. It is all about spending time with the Lord to prepare for another day of trusting Jesus. I realize that it is not enough to trust Jesus one time to take my sins away and come into my heart. That trust is not momentary. It is permanent. When we trust Christ, we trust Him as the Lord who died and rose again to pay for our sins, but that trust is in Christ as Lord of our lives from then on.
Therefore, I start my day with a statement of thanksgiving to God for another day. Specifically, I thank God for another day to love Him and to serve Him. Then, I express special thanks for Him loving me and taking care of me. When taken together those thoughts give my motivation for each day of life. I want to love and serve the one who loved me first and who continues to care for me in an abundant way every day of my life.
I believe a similar motivation should guide every Christian. We can't expect that from non-believers. They are not yet guided by a personal relationship with our unselfish Savior and Lord. Their motivation might not be totally selfish, but it is not directed by the One who rules the universe. Therefore, there is a high probability that their motivation will be linked to some personal desire. As Christians, we can be a great witness to those around us by having a totally unselfish motivation. When we seek to glorify Jesus in all we do and say, because we trust in His love and care for us, instead of wanting our own way, that speaks volumes to the ones around us who do not yet know Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Habakkuk 2-3 and Zephaniah 1.
Therefore, I start my day with a statement of thanksgiving to God for another day. Specifically, I thank God for another day to love Him and to serve Him. Then, I express special thanks for Him loving me and taking care of me. When taken together those thoughts give my motivation for each day of life. I want to love and serve the one who loved me first and who continues to care for me in an abundant way every day of my life.
I believe a similar motivation should guide every Christian. We can't expect that from non-believers. They are not yet guided by a personal relationship with our unselfish Savior and Lord. Their motivation might not be totally selfish, but it is not directed by the One who rules the universe. Therefore, there is a high probability that their motivation will be linked to some personal desire. As Christians, we can be a great witness to those around us by having a totally unselfish motivation. When we seek to glorify Jesus in all we do and say, because we trust in His love and care for us, instead of wanting our own way, that speaks volumes to the ones around us who do not yet know Him.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Habakkuk 2-3 and Zephaniah 1.