Divine Appointments
This morning at our pastors' prayer time I read the story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch from Acts 8. It is a fabulous historical account of a divine appointment. We know it is true because of the existence of the Coptic Church in Ethiopia. There is no other explanation for how Christianity traveled to that country so soon after the resurrection of Jesus. God sent Philip to the desert to encounter this important man who had been to worship in Jerusalem, so he could explain the Good News of Jesus to him from Isaiah 53, which he was reading in his chariot as he headed home. It is fantastic to think of how God engineers circumstances so people can hear the truth and respond, even in very unlikely ways.
I am praying for more divine appointments in my life. I want to be used by God to help people come to know Christ in a personal relationship as I did when I was 14 years old. It is hard today to set up those appointments because people are so busy, and it is hard to tell who is ready to hear. However, I know God can do for us just what He did for Philip in Acts 8. He can set up the appointments by bringing people to me, or by taking me to the right people. That is my prayer. I hope each of us who know the Lord will make that our prayer. Those who don't know the Lord can make it even easier. You can contact us so we can dialogue about knowing the Lord. No one is going to force anyone. That is contrary to what Jesus wants. It needs to come from the Lord. He just uses us as His instruments to show His truth and to bear witness of what He has done for us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 48-50.
I am praying for more divine appointments in my life. I want to be used by God to help people come to know Christ in a personal relationship as I did when I was 14 years old. It is hard today to set up those appointments because people are so busy, and it is hard to tell who is ready to hear. However, I know God can do for us just what He did for Philip in Acts 8. He can set up the appointments by bringing people to me, or by taking me to the right people. That is my prayer. I hope each of us who know the Lord will make that our prayer. Those who don't know the Lord can make it even easier. You can contact us so we can dialogue about knowing the Lord. No one is going to force anyone. That is contrary to what Jesus wants. It needs to come from the Lord. He just uses us as His instruments to show His truth and to bear witness of what He has done for us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 48-50.