Sudden Destruction
Our men studied the end of Luke 17 this morning. It is a passage about the Kingdom of God and the Day the Son of Man is revealed. Most people believe this is a reference to the Second Coming of Christ. There is a lot of interest in the end of time these days, so we had a great discussion.
The sobering thing about Jesus' instruction to His disciples was that He said that the times of His coming would be like the times of Noah and Lot. If you are familiar with these two stories in Genesis, it is a scary way to describe what will happen. In the case of the flood in Noah's time and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in Lot's days, people were going on with their lives like nothing was about to happen. Then, sudden destruction came, and no one survived, except a few. Jesus gives us this lesson, so we need to heed it. We need to be ready for His Coming by knowing Him in a personal relationship as Lord of our lives.
He even tells them to "remember Lot's wife." This is another example of sudden destruction. Lot's wife looked back to the possessions she had to leave behind when she fled the destruction of Sodom, and she turned into a pillar of salt. I believe that shows us how focused we need to be on giving our lives fully to Jesus, as Lord. We can't have one foot in this world and one foot in the spiritual realm. We have to lose our lives for His sake, and we gain life eternal.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 20-22.
The sobering thing about Jesus' instruction to His disciples was that He said that the times of His coming would be like the times of Noah and Lot. If you are familiar with these two stories in Genesis, it is a scary way to describe what will happen. In the case of the flood in Noah's time and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in Lot's days, people were going on with their lives like nothing was about to happen. Then, sudden destruction came, and no one survived, except a few. Jesus gives us this lesson, so we need to heed it. We need to be ready for His Coming by knowing Him in a personal relationship as Lord of our lives.
He even tells them to "remember Lot's wife." This is another example of sudden destruction. Lot's wife looked back to the possessions she had to leave behind when she fled the destruction of Sodom, and she turned into a pillar of salt. I believe that shows us how focused we need to be on giving our lives fully to Jesus, as Lord. We can't have one foot in this world and one foot in the spiritual realm. We have to lose our lives for His sake, and we gain life eternal.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 20-22.