"If God Is For Us, Who Can Be Against Us?"
I heard an excellent devotional this morning from the end of Romans 8. I don't often get to hear a message from another pastor in person, so this was quite a treat for me. I don't want to point to the man, but the message, though. It was thoroughly God's Word because it came straight from the Bible.
The speaker used four of the questions at the end of Romans 8 to encourage us. I want to focus on the first one, "If God is for us, who can be against us?(Romans 8:31) What is the answer? No one can effectively come against us, as believers, since God is for us. Why is that the case? If God would give His Son for us, would He not freely give us anything we need? Of course!
How do I know that to be true? I have a son of my own and two precious daughters, as well. From the time they were born I had just a little glimpse of what the Eternal God did by giving His Son for the sins of the world. Personally, I can't imagine allowing my child to be crucified for another person. However, if I felt so strongly that I would make that sacrifice, I am sure that I would do anything else I could for the person for whom my child died. If I would do that, just think of what God would do. We don't have anything to worry about. I am certain of that.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 8-10.
March 15 – Ephesians 4:1-6
Ask God to give our church family a supernatural unity, so that we can be one in our worship and our service for Him.
The speaker used four of the questions at the end of Romans 8 to encourage us. I want to focus on the first one, "If God is for us, who can be against us?(Romans 8:31) What is the answer? No one can effectively come against us, as believers, since God is for us. Why is that the case? If God would give His Son for us, would He not freely give us anything we need? Of course!
How do I know that to be true? I have a son of my own and two precious daughters, as well. From the time they were born I had just a little glimpse of what the Eternal God did by giving His Son for the sins of the world. Personally, I can't imagine allowing my child to be crucified for another person. However, if I felt so strongly that I would make that sacrifice, I am sure that I would do anything else I could for the person for whom my child died. If I would do that, just think of what God would do. We don't have anything to worry about. I am certain of that.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 8-10.
March 15 – Ephesians 4:1-6
Ask God to give our church family a supernatural unity, so that we can be one in our worship and our service for Him.