I praise the Lord that I have never experienced complete hopelessness. Sure, there have been times in my life that were very difficult, and I suffered some depression because of a lack of hope in those situations. However, the Lord has been my guide, and I have not come to think my life did not count, and I have never come close to considering suicide. There are many people who do get to that point, though, even believers.
The key to avoiding hopelessness and depression that leads to despair is to realize that there is a Loving God who created us, and He desires to save us from our sins and give us purpose for our lives. If you know God personally, you will never become completely hopeless. If you have found salvation and His purpose for life, you always realize you are important, and your life is meaningful.
The problem is that people begin to trust in other people or in things to bring happiness and fulfillment. These things always fail. Then, what do you have left? Nothing. You feel the need to start over, but your energy has been zapped by the depression, and you are just too worn out to care. That is when Satan is able to plant those thoughts of hopelessness in your mind. Reject those thoughts and run into the arms of the Loving God. Even if you have been ignoring Him all of your life, He is waiting with open arms. He will change your life, give you a hope, and a purpose in Jesus Christ.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 2-4.
March 13 – Matthew 28:19-20
Tell God you want to stay focused on Him, stay connected to people, and stay on mission 24/7, so you can make disciples for Him.
The key to avoiding hopelessness and depression that leads to despair is to realize that there is a Loving God who created us, and He desires to save us from our sins and give us purpose for our lives. If you know God personally, you will never become completely hopeless. If you have found salvation and His purpose for life, you always realize you are important, and your life is meaningful.
The problem is that people begin to trust in other people or in things to bring happiness and fulfillment. These things always fail. Then, what do you have left? Nothing. You feel the need to start over, but your energy has been zapped by the depression, and you are just too worn out to care. That is when Satan is able to plant those thoughts of hopelessness in your mind. Reject those thoughts and run into the arms of the Loving God. Even if you have been ignoring Him all of your life, He is waiting with open arms. He will change your life, give you a hope, and a purpose in Jesus Christ.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 2-4.
March 13 – Matthew 28:19-20
Tell God you want to stay focused on Him, stay connected to people, and stay on mission 24/7, so you can make disciples for Him.