The Relevance of Prophecies
This morning we had a great breakfast for our men followed by a time of Bible study on I Peter 1:10-12. The fellowship was a blessing and so was the study. We took time to talk about the prophets and prophecies to which Peter referred in these verses. I think sometimes we forget the importance and relevance of prophecies.
First of all, a prophet is a messenger from the Lord. The word literally means "to speak forth" God's message. They did not always foretell the future, but whatever they said was 100% true, so their messages always came to pass. Peter makes the point that his preaching was based on the message of the prophets. This gave his preaching authority. It showed he was not giving his opinion but God's message. It does the same thing for us today.
The Bible contains many prophecies. Many of them have already come to pass, and they have been verified by history and archeology. This shows the inerrancy of the Bible because it is the only holy book that contains specific verifiable prophecies. Also, it proves Jesus to be the Lord and Messiah. All of the prophecies about Jesus could not have come true in the life of one person, unless God brought them to fruition. That is what happened in the case of Jesus. So prophecies shows us the Bible is true, and Jesus is Lord. That is powerful.
Finally, the relevance of prophecies is that it shows God's plan which He purposed in His heart before the world began. All of history is God's story. He is the One in Control. He has a reason for all He does. He sent Jesus to die for our sins as Isaiah prophesied in Isaiah 53. He was born just where Micah 5:2 says. He died on the cross just like Psalm 22 points out. God knew beforehand what would happen, so He showed us through the prophets. That way we would marvel at His power and believe His message. Therefore, prophecy is relevant to our faith in many important ways.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 3-5.
First of all, a prophet is a messenger from the Lord. The word literally means "to speak forth" God's message. They did not always foretell the future, but whatever they said was 100% true, so their messages always came to pass. Peter makes the point that his preaching was based on the message of the prophets. This gave his preaching authority. It showed he was not giving his opinion but God's message. It does the same thing for us today.
The Bible contains many prophecies. Many of them have already come to pass, and they have been verified by history and archeology. This shows the inerrancy of the Bible because it is the only holy book that contains specific verifiable prophecies. Also, it proves Jesus to be the Lord and Messiah. All of the prophecies about Jesus could not have come true in the life of one person, unless God brought them to fruition. That is what happened in the case of Jesus. So prophecies shows us the Bible is true, and Jesus is Lord. That is powerful.
Finally, the relevance of prophecies is that it shows God's plan which He purposed in His heart before the world began. All of history is God's story. He is the One in Control. He has a reason for all He does. He sent Jesus to die for our sins as Isaiah prophesied in Isaiah 53. He was born just where Micah 5:2 says. He died on the cross just like Psalm 22 points out. God knew beforehand what would happen, so He showed us through the prophets. That way we would marvel at His power and believe His message. Therefore, prophecy is relevant to our faith in many important ways.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 3-5.