A Picture of Salvation
It has always amazed me at how much detail the Bible gives about leprosy. However, when I think about it, I find it very intriguing. Leprosy seems to be a physical symbol of the spiritual sin that plaques us all and from which we need to be cleansed. I believe that is why the priest was the one to make the pronouncement about a person being "clean" or "unclean" from leprosy. God is the one who sees the blemish on our souls, and He is the one who can cleanse us.
My verses for today were Leviticus 14:6,7. They explain the sacrifice that took place when the priest pronounced a person to be cleansed from their leprosy. You can read the whole passage but basically, he took two birds. One was killed, and the blood from that bird was sprinkled seven times on the cleansed person, and also, the living bird was dipped into the blood before being set free. This is elaborate, but it is meaningful. The person was being set free from his uncleanness and having to live away from his family. The blood was the agent of cleansing. Therefore, it was a great picture of being washed in the blood and being set free.
What do you suppose that means? Of course, it shows us Jesus and His atonement for our sins. We are dying in the uncleanness of our sins, but when we trust Jesus He cleanses us. To cleanse us He had to become a man like us and shed His blood to pay for our sins and to provide the cleansing agent we need. His blood covers us and cleanses our sin, and then, we are set free from the corruption of our sin. He is the Only One who could ever do that for us, because He is the perfect God-Man. Isn't that amazing? God put a picture of salvation through the blood of Jesus in the middle of his instructions on leprosy. That is how wonderful the Word of God is. Don't miss any of it!
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 16-18.
My verses for today were Leviticus 14:6,7. They explain the sacrifice that took place when the priest pronounced a person to be cleansed from their leprosy. You can read the whole passage but basically, he took two birds. One was killed, and the blood from that bird was sprinkled seven times on the cleansed person, and also, the living bird was dipped into the blood before being set free. This is elaborate, but it is meaningful. The person was being set free from his uncleanness and having to live away from his family. The blood was the agent of cleansing. Therefore, it was a great picture of being washed in the blood and being set free.
What do you suppose that means? Of course, it shows us Jesus and His atonement for our sins. We are dying in the uncleanness of our sins, but when we trust Jesus He cleanses us. To cleanse us He had to become a man like us and shed His blood to pay for our sins and to provide the cleansing agent we need. His blood covers us and cleanses our sin, and then, we are set free from the corruption of our sin. He is the Only One who could ever do that for us, because He is the perfect God-Man. Isn't that amazing? God put a picture of salvation through the blood of Jesus in the middle of his instructions on leprosy. That is how wonderful the Word of God is. Don't miss any of it!
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 16-18.