Witnessing a Miracle
One of the radio talk show hosts was asking people to call in tonight and give verifiable miracles which they have experienced. I only listened for a few minutes, but most of what I heard were miracles of physical healing. I thought about all of the miracles God has worked in my life that were not necessarily related to healing. I do not have time to go into them here. It would literally take a book.
However, my mind went to the miracle that occurred today in our worship service. A grandmother came forward to confess Christ as her Lord and Savior. First of all, it was the miracle of salvation, which is the greatest miracle. Just to think that a mere human being can become a child of God and a joint-heir with Christ is a marvelous miracle. However, statistics tell us that it is very unlikely for any person over 19 to come to Christ in this day and time in the USA. Well over 90% of those who come to Christ in America make that decision before they turn 20. This makes what we saw this morning a double miracle. Also, it adds significance to the baptism of Eddie in March.
I believe God is up to something in our church. I believe He is answering our prayers, and we are seeing Christians becoming the missionaries we should be. Will you join me in praying for more miracles? Pray for some Easter miracles to commemorate the miracle of the resurrection of Jesus. Wouldn't that be fantastic?
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 4-6 and Luke 9:1-17.
However, my mind went to the miracle that occurred today in our worship service. A grandmother came forward to confess Christ as her Lord and Savior. First of all, it was the miracle of salvation, which is the greatest miracle. Just to think that a mere human being can become a child of God and a joint-heir with Christ is a marvelous miracle. However, statistics tell us that it is very unlikely for any person over 19 to come to Christ in this day and time in the USA. Well over 90% of those who come to Christ in America make that decision before they turn 20. This makes what we saw this morning a double miracle. Also, it adds significance to the baptism of Eddie in March.
I believe God is up to something in our church. I believe He is answering our prayers, and we are seeing Christians becoming the missionaries we should be. Will you join me in praying for more miracles? Pray for some Easter miracles to commemorate the miracle of the resurrection of Jesus. Wouldn't that be fantastic?
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 4-6 and Luke 9:1-17.