Beyond Repair
The other day I received an email from a fellow believer (not a member of our church) in which he told me that his marriage had ended, because it was "beyond repair." Of course, I have heard that many times over the years, but it never ceases to amaze me when I hear that coming from a Christian. Is God limited in His power? Is there anything too hard for God? We all know anything is possible with God. Therefore, the marriage is not beyond repair when it comes to God.
I am sure the problem comes from the couple themselves. However, the Bible is clear that there should not be any schism or division between two believers. That is not talking about a husband and a wife, but just two Christians. So if God joined two people together as one flesh, what excuse is there for a schism to exist between those two people? I know of no reason except a hard heart that is unwilling to let God restore their relationship. Since He can do anything, He can do that in any relationship where the believers are willing to forgive and do His will.
Now, I know sometimes there is abuse and addiction. God can still change all of that, if a believer is willing to allow Him to work a miracle. That is why I don't understand a believer using the phrase "beyond repair" when it comes to his or her marriage. I pray that we all would just be honest with God and with ourselves. Just admit that you don't believe God can do anything and you want to have a schism between you and your spouse. Once you say that, how does that make you feel? I hope it will make you want to rebuild your marriage instead of dissolving it humanly.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 23-24 and Matthew 20:1-16.
I am sure the problem comes from the couple themselves. However, the Bible is clear that there should not be any schism or division between two believers. That is not talking about a husband and a wife, but just two Christians. So if God joined two people together as one flesh, what excuse is there for a schism to exist between those two people? I know of no reason except a hard heart that is unwilling to let God restore their relationship. Since He can do anything, He can do that in any relationship where the believers are willing to forgive and do His will.
Now, I know sometimes there is abuse and addiction. God can still change all of that, if a believer is willing to allow Him to work a miracle. That is why I don't understand a believer using the phrase "beyond repair" when it comes to his or her marriage. I pray that we all would just be honest with God and with ourselves. Just admit that you don't believe God can do anything and you want to have a schism between you and your spouse. Once you say that, how does that make you feel? I hope it will make you want to rebuild your marriage instead of dissolving it humanly.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 23-24 and Matthew 20:1-16.