The Battle of Magog and the Prince of Rosh
This morning my Bible reading was from Ezekiel 37-39. It tells of the rebirth of the nation of Israel in chapter 37, in which Ezekiel is shown the valley of the dry bones coming to life by the Spirit. Then, the next two chapters tell us of a battle that will happen in Israel in which God will kill so many enemies from the land of Magog that it will take 7 months to bury all of the dead. It is amazing to think of such a battle and who it might involve. Many people think that Russia will team up with Iran to attack Israel. That is what the names denote, when you look into the derivation for Magog, Rosh, Meshech and Tubal. What would be the result of such a battle? Israel would turn back to God in earnest. (Ezekiel 39:22) That would set the stage for the end of time and for the Temple to be rebuilt.
When will this battle take place? I don't know, but it is interesting to see Putin in Russia selling arms to Iran and making statements of support for the leader of Iran, who has sworn to destroy Israel. It makes me think that God could be setting up this battle. What would the United States do in that case? Would we support Israel? I am not sure, because of some of the things that have been said lately. What would happen if we didn't support Israel? You can read it for yourself in Genesis 12:3. I am sure that God will not look favorably on any nation that does not support Israel, especially at the end of time.
I think we need to watch the news and read the Bible, so we can be the salt and light for this dark world, and we can warn those around us of what is coming. What do you think God would have us do?
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 40-41 and II Peter 3.
When will this battle take place? I don't know, but it is interesting to see Putin in Russia selling arms to Iran and making statements of support for the leader of Iran, who has sworn to destroy Israel. It makes me think that God could be setting up this battle. What would the United States do in that case? Would we support Israel? I am not sure, because of some of the things that have been said lately. What would happen if we didn't support Israel? You can read it for yourself in Genesis 12:3. I am sure that God will not look favorably on any nation that does not support Israel, especially at the end of time.
I think we need to watch the news and read the Bible, so we can be the salt and light for this dark world, and we can warn those around us of what is coming. What do you think God would have us do?
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 40-41 and II Peter 3.