What is Truth?
Even with this being the break week for the Henry county schools, we had 12 men to study the end of John 18 this morning. We continued to try to get a firm grasp on Jesus' personal conversation with Pilate. Pilate was trying to judge whether Jesus had committed a crime worthy of punishment, but Jesus was concerned with trying to show Pilate that He is the King of the Jews, but His kingdom is not of this world. He is a spiritual king, and He came to this world to bear witness of the truth. In fact, Jesus is truth. It is really amazing to think how much Jesus loved Pilate and tried to get through to him.
Pilate was not really listening to Jesus or the others. He was looking for a way out, since he could not find anything Jesus had done wrong. He told the Jewish leaders his conclusion, but they did not want Jesus released. They asked for a criminal, instead of the sinless son of God. That tells us a lot about those men who were supposed to know God and His Word. They were in total darkness. They had rejected the truth, when they rejected Jesus.
However, Pilate asked the question of the ages in the process of the conversation. He asked, "What is truth?" How would you answer that question? Of course, Jesus is truth. (John 14:6) However, most people are like Pilate. They think it is impossible to know the whole truth. They think the truth is beyond knowing for a human being. They are wrong. The truth is a person, and we can know Him in a close relationship as our Lord and Savior. Pilate did not ever believe, but I hope you have found the truth by believing in Jesus.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 25-26 and II Corinthians 9. Then, on Wednesday, I intend to read Proverbs 27-29 and II Corinthians 10.
Pilate was not really listening to Jesus or the others. He was looking for a way out, since he could not find anything Jesus had done wrong. He told the Jewish leaders his conclusion, but they did not want Jesus released. They asked for a criminal, instead of the sinless son of God. That tells us a lot about those men who were supposed to know God and His Word. They were in total darkness. They had rejected the truth, when they rejected Jesus.
However, Pilate asked the question of the ages in the process of the conversation. He asked, "What is truth?" How would you answer that question? Of course, Jesus is truth. (John 14:6) However, most people are like Pilate. They think it is impossible to know the whole truth. They think the truth is beyond knowing for a human being. They are wrong. The truth is a person, and we can know Him in a close relationship as our Lord and Savior. Pilate did not ever believe, but I hope you have found the truth by believing in Jesus.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 25-26 and II Corinthians 9. Then, on Wednesday, I intend to read Proverbs 27-29 and II Corinthians 10.