A Biblical Christian or A Cultural Christian
What does it take for a person to become a Christian? That is the most important question for anyone to answer. The reason for it's importance is that it determines a person's eternal destiny. Only true believers in Jesus Christ receive forgiveness for sins and an eternal home in Heaven.
As I was praying this morning, it dawned on me that many people think that being a Christian is belonging to a church and attending services. They are basing their eternal salvation on that. We know that because that is the extent of their Christian life. Nothing more than that exists. Is that what it means to be a Christian?
There are so many people who say, "I am a Christian, because I asked Jesus to come into my heart." Would you please write me a note and give me a Bible reference that says that is what we need to do? I can't find that in the Bible. Yes, Jesus comes to live in the person who becomes a believer, but that is not what the Bible says we do to become a believer. I am afraid there are multiplied thousands of people in the USA who are headed to Hell, but they think they are Christians, because they prayed a prayer one time asking Jesus to come into their hearts.
My conclusion is that there are many cultural Christians in America, but that is not Biblical Christianity. What is your conclusion? What do you think it takes for a person to be a Christian? I will tell you what the Bible says about this tomorrow. In the meantime I would encourage all of us to consider this most important question, because we can't afford to give the cultural answer, instead of the Biblical one.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 28-29 and Acts 13:1-25.
As I was praying this morning, it dawned on me that many people think that being a Christian is belonging to a church and attending services. They are basing their eternal salvation on that. We know that because that is the extent of their Christian life. Nothing more than that exists. Is that what it means to be a Christian?
There are so many people who say, "I am a Christian, because I asked Jesus to come into my heart." Would you please write me a note and give me a Bible reference that says that is what we need to do? I can't find that in the Bible. Yes, Jesus comes to live in the person who becomes a believer, but that is not what the Bible says we do to become a believer. I am afraid there are multiplied thousands of people in the USA who are headed to Hell, but they think they are Christians, because they prayed a prayer one time asking Jesus to come into their hearts.
My conclusion is that there are many cultural Christians in America, but that is not Biblical Christianity. What is your conclusion? What do you think it takes for a person to be a Christian? I will tell you what the Bible says about this tomorrow. In the meantime I would encourage all of us to consider this most important question, because we can't afford to give the cultural answer, instead of the Biblical one.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 28-29 and Acts 13:1-25.