God Wants to Bless Us
This morning as I was reading II Chronicles about Solomon asking for God's wisdom to rule the people, it just hit me how much God wants to bless us. He was so happy that Solomon asked for wisdom instead of riches, honor, or the death of his enemies that He added wealth and honor beyond our imagination. Isn't that just like God? He is so good, and He is so giving.
It reminded me of Matthew 6:33, also. Jesus told us that if we seek God's righteousness, that is the same as His wisdom to know how to act and live all of the time, that He would give us everything else we need on top of that. In other words, He will give us the same blessing He gave Solomon, basically. Now, I don't mean we will be fantastically wealthy like Solomon, but it shows how much God longs to take care of us, if we will just seek His ways.
Do we really think that we can take care of ourselves better than God can take care of us? That is the height of arrogance. Do we think we know how to act better than God does? That also is absurd. Why not just do it His way and see how He blesses us? I am sure He will do a wonderful job.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 4-6 and John 10:24-42.
It reminded me of Matthew 6:33, also. Jesus told us that if we seek God's righteousness, that is the same as His wisdom to know how to act and live all of the time, that He would give us everything else we need on top of that. In other words, He will give us the same blessing He gave Solomon, basically. Now, I don't mean we will be fantastically wealthy like Solomon, but it shows how much God longs to take care of us, if we will just seek His ways.
Do we really think that we can take care of ourselves better than God can take care of us? That is the height of arrogance. Do we think we know how to act better than God does? That also is absurd. Why not just do it His way and see how He blesses us? I am sure He will do a wonderful job.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 4-6 and John 10:24-42.