Resisting the Truth - Jeremiah 18-19 and II Timothy 3

God spoke through Jeremiah, His prophet, in wonderful ways like the prophecy of the potter and the clay, as well as the prophecy of the broken flask. However, for the most part his words were in vain, because the people had decided not to listen to him at all. They spoke against him, and they wanted to kill him. All of this was their reaction to the truth. They had made up their minds to resist the truth and to stiffen their necks against God's words. This is a frightening way to live. God has to defend His word, so He must oppose those who oppose His Word. We must humble ourselves before the Lord and submit to His truth instead of resisting the truth.

Paul warned Timothy that he would run into people who would resist the truth. He gave him a long list of attributes of those kind of people. Then, he tried to prepare Timothy for the inevitable persecution he would have to endure from these people. Paul assured him that everyone who seeks to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. However, he went on to affirm to Timothy that the written Word of God was inspired by God, and it is our sure word for all we need as believers. Even if people resist the truth, that does not change the truth. We must stick with God's Word and not try to change the truth because people don't like it, or it is not convenient to them. We must continue to speak the truth in love, or else people will not hear the truth of God.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 20-21 and II Timothy 4.

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