Give God All the Praise and Thanks - Psalms 135-136 and I Corinthians 12
The God of the Bible is the Only True God. He is so far above the false gods of this world that He exists eternally in three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father planned everything about His creation, the Son carried out creation and redemption, and the Spirit energized it all since He is everywhere at the same time. What a mighty God He is! He deserves all of our praise and thanks. The psalmists called on the people to praise Him and thank Him for creation and for His earthly blessings to us. Then, in the New Testament Paul exhorted the believers to praise Him for the Spiritual blessings. Now, we should continually praise Him and thank Him for saving us from our sins. Then, the Spirit comes to live in us, so He can give us gifts and guide us in the truth. Also, He places us in His Body, the church, so we can have encouragement and support from other believers. What a marvelous plan God is working out for us. If we will praise Him and thank Him for these things, we will be able to take advantage of His blessings to us. Let's use our spiritual gifts to glorify Him and serve Him. Let's be an active member of His Body, so we can accomplish His will as He designed. What could be more fulfilling in life than that? God is so good, all the time!
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 137-139 and I Corinthians 13.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 137-139 and I Corinthians 13.