We Must Not Be Silent Christians - Psalms 107-109 and I Corinthians 4
Psalms 107:2 says, "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so." In other words, believers must speak up and not be silent. We must tell of what the Lord has done for us by redeeming us from our sins. We must praise Him out loud for His many blessings to us. We need to broadcast the greatness of God. This is true of us as individuals and as churches. Our times of worship should be great celebrations of praise for God, in which we proclaim His greatness and love as a group for all to see and hear. When an unbeliever is present in our worship, he or she should be able to hear our love and hear the truth loud and clear. One of the reasons we need to be very vocal is that the unbelievers will be vocal. They will speak against us as individuals and against the church. Therefore, we have to speak the truth in love to counter their false claims. We must not give in to the sin of silence, when the world needs to know the Savior.
Paul was having a battle with the church in Corinth. It should not have been that way, but it was. There was a group of people in the church, who were speaking against Paul and his ministry. They were trying to discredit him. He could have just gone to the next city and let them go their own way, but he knew he was responsible for this church God produced through his ministry. Therefore, Paul spoke up for the truth. He did not keep silent, and he did not leave them alone. He told them the truth in love, so that God's will could be done. I don't think we realize our responsibility as believers and members of the body of Christ. God wants to use us to do His will, but we can't do it by being passive and silent. We must not seek our own will or anything that is false and fleshly, but we must strive to speak up for what is right and what will produce fruit in the kingdom of God. If we don't do it, who will? We can be sure that the unbelievers will be pushing their agenda to the max. What will happen if we don't care enough to fully support God's will and God's way? Many people will miss hearing the truth, because God has sent us out to make disciples and to be His missionaries in this world. If we don't say it, who will?
Tomorrow, I intend to to read Psalms 110-112 and I Corinthians 5.
Paul was having a battle with the church in Corinth. It should not have been that way, but it was. There was a group of people in the church, who were speaking against Paul and his ministry. They were trying to discredit him. He could have just gone to the next city and let them go their own way, but he knew he was responsible for this church God produced through his ministry. Therefore, Paul spoke up for the truth. He did not keep silent, and he did not leave them alone. He told them the truth in love, so that God's will could be done. I don't think we realize our responsibility as believers and members of the body of Christ. God wants to use us to do His will, but we can't do it by being passive and silent. We must not seek our own will or anything that is false and fleshly, but we must strive to speak up for what is right and what will produce fruit in the kingdom of God. If we don't do it, who will? We can be sure that the unbelievers will be pushing their agenda to the max. What will happen if we don't care enough to fully support God's will and God's way? Many people will miss hearing the truth, because God has sent us out to make disciples and to be His missionaries in this world. If we don't say it, who will?
Tomorrow, I intend to to read Psalms 110-112 and I Corinthians 5.