Create in Me a Clean Heart - Psalms 51-53 and Romans 2

David was a believer when he committed adultery and murder. He had trusted God as his Lord and Savior. Those terrible sins would not have sent him to Hell, because of his relationship with God through faith, but they would have made his life miserable, because his sin caused him to be out of fellowship with God. Therefore, David knew that he must confess his sins and ask God to give him a clean heart. He needed the joy of his salvation restored. I am sure David's prayer was answered, because that is what He asks all of us to do. Is that what you need today? Do you know the Lord, but you have a hard heart because of sin? The only way to restoration is repentance and confession like David did. That is what the sinful people will not do. They will not admit their sin and turn to God. They want to act like there is no God or there is no sin. Then, they wonder why their lives are so miserable. Sin is the problem, and only God can take away their sin.

Romans 2 is speaking about the sin of the Jewish people. They thought they were right with God just by being born a Jew. They thought they knew God's ways, but they continued to sin. They had very hard hearts, and they needed to repent. Paul was inspired to tell them that if they did not repent they would stand before God and be judged guilty of sin, even though they were Jews. They were not exempt. I believe sometimes, we as Christians, think we are exempt. We believe that God will still bless us, even though we are living in sin. That is never the case. God will not bless us any more than He would bless David in his sin. He is waiting for us to confess our sins and to repent. I also, believe that some people believe they are Christians because they were born into a Christian family. That is not how it works, either. It is an individual choice to receive Christ. Anyone who comes to Christ must come repenting and believing.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 54-56 and Romans 3.

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