Relationships Hinder Us or Help Us - II Chronicles 21-22 and John 14
Jehoram, the son of Jehoshaphat, was the first king of Judah to depart from following the Lord and lead the people to worship idols like the northern kingdom of Israel. The sin of Jehoshaphat led to this fall. His relationships with the kings of Israel and his marriage alliances with them, led his son to accept their religion and to reject the Lord. That was not his intent, but it was the result, because our relationships have a huge effect on our lives. In the case of Judah these relationships led them down the path to destruction. The same is true in the lives of many people. Think of the people you have known who have led you away from the Lord. Sure, you still had a choice, but those people were powerful influences in your life.
Jesus was trying to comfort His disciples in John 14, because He would soon die on the Cross and ascend back to heaven. He knew that it would be a big change. They would not have a close relationship with Him physically any more. Therefore, He wanted them to know what to do. What was the key? They should have come to know that He was one with the Father by their relationship with Him those three years. Some of the disciples were still shaky on that. How could they have lived with the Messiah and not understood He was God, after seeing His miracles and hearing His words? They had not fully engaged themselves by loving the Lord and trusting Him completely. That is what Jesus encourages them to do in John 14. In other words, He told them to give themselves to a full relationship with Him. He was going to help them by sending the Holy Spirit when He left them, too. That way they could have a close relationship with the Spirit to guide them in the things of the Lord. Do you consider your relationship with the Holy Spirit? He is a person. He is there to guide you. If you do not have a good relationship with the Spirit and allow Him to fill you, you will miss God's ways and His will. Each and every Christian must have a close relationship with the Spirit to live a life pleasing to God.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 23-24 and John 15.
Jesus was trying to comfort His disciples in John 14, because He would soon die on the Cross and ascend back to heaven. He knew that it would be a big change. They would not have a close relationship with Him physically any more. Therefore, He wanted them to know what to do. What was the key? They should have come to know that He was one with the Father by their relationship with Him those three years. Some of the disciples were still shaky on that. How could they have lived with the Messiah and not understood He was God, after seeing His miracles and hearing His words? They had not fully engaged themselves by loving the Lord and trusting Him completely. That is what Jesus encourages them to do in John 14. In other words, He told them to give themselves to a full relationship with Him. He was going to help them by sending the Holy Spirit when He left them, too. That way they could have a close relationship with the Spirit to guide them in the things of the Lord. Do you consider your relationship with the Holy Spirit? He is a person. He is there to guide you. If you do not have a good relationship with the Spirit and allow Him to fill you, you will miss God's ways and His will. Each and every Christian must have a close relationship with the Spirit to live a life pleasing to God.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 23-24 and John 15.