The Unlimited Power of God - II Kings 4-6 and Luke 24:36-53
Elisha was able to do many more miracles than Elijah. It is exciting to read about them and to consider the power of God. It causes us to ask why God would work so many miracles at that time and why He chose to use Elisha in that way. I am not sure we will ever know exactly why God chose to use Elisha instead of someone else, or why He chose to do these miracles through him at that time. I do believe there was a reason for them, though. We must come to believe in the unlimited power of God to be effective as believers. We must come to see like Gehazi did that those who are with us are more than those who are with them. We must believe that God can and will do anything to accomplish His purpose. If we limit God, our faith will be limited, and He will not be able to use us as He desires. I am afraid that many times in my life, I have failed to believe in God's power, and God has not been able to use me as He would have.
Think of Jesus in Luke 24. Why did He appear to the disciples for 40 days after the resurrection? Why did He show them his scars? Why did He ascend bodily back to heaven when He left? He knew that they had to be convinced of His unlimited power to do the job that was before them. He did all He could to show them, and they believed. They turned the world upside down, because they trusted the power of God, not their own power. Today, we may not see the miracles as much, but there are still unmistakable miracles around us all of the time. The key for us is the Word of God. Do we believe the Word? Do we believe that God can do the same things He did for Elisha ad Jesus now? If we do, we will have the faith to preach repentance and faith in Jesus all over the world. We will have faith that God can work the greatest miracle which is the salvation of a lost soul. We must take God at His Word and believe in His unlimited power to be effective Christians in the world. I am going to ask God to open my eyes as He opened Gehazi's eyes, and I hope you will ask Him to do that, too.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 7-9 and John 1:1-28.
Think of Jesus in Luke 24. Why did He appear to the disciples for 40 days after the resurrection? Why did He show them his scars? Why did He ascend bodily back to heaven when He left? He knew that they had to be convinced of His unlimited power to do the job that was before them. He did all He could to show them, and they believed. They turned the world upside down, because they trusted the power of God, not their own power. Today, we may not see the miracles as much, but there are still unmistakable miracles around us all of the time. The key for us is the Word of God. Do we believe the Word? Do we believe that God can do the same things He did for Elisha ad Jesus now? If we do, we will have the faith to preach repentance and faith in Jesus all over the world. We will have faith that God can work the greatest miracle which is the salvation of a lost soul. We must take God at His Word and believe in His unlimited power to be effective Christians in the world. I am going to ask God to open my eyes as He opened Gehazi's eyes, and I hope you will ask Him to do that, too.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 7-9 and John 1:1-28.