Anyone Can Repent of Sin - I Kings 21-22 and Luke 23:26-56
God convicts all of us of sin and gives us the ability to repent. If we will repent, God will respond to our repentance. Ahab is a great example of this truth. He was one of the worst kings. He led the people into terrible idolatry. The Bible says that he sold himself to do evil in the case of taking Naboth's vineyard by deceit and murder. However, even Ahab recognized his sin and repented. He put on sackcloth, fasted, and mourned. How did God respond? He postponed His judgment on the family of Ahab. That is all God did, because Ahab was not fully turning to God in faith, but he was repenting of the sin to Naboth. That shows the power of repentance to get God's attention, and it shows that no one is too evil to be convicted of sin and to repent.
Look at Luke 23. The Jewish leaders were calling for Jesus, an innocent man, to be killed. The Romans were mocking Him. The two criminals who were being crucified with Him, mocked Him at first. Then, one of the criminals repented and turned to Jesus in faith. Jesus responded in His agony. He forgave his sins and told him he would be in paradise that day. What a dramatic turn around! That can happen to anyone who will repent of sin and trust Jesus. Joseph of Arimathea was a Jewish leader. He broke ranks with the rest. He repented and turned to Jesus, so much so that he risked his life to receive the dead body of Jesus and put Him in his tomb. That was quite a turnaround for a member of the Sanhedrin, but it shows that anyone can repent of sin and turn to God. Please, don't allow Satan or anyone to fool you in this matter. No one is too evil to turn to Jesus. Don't think that you or anyone else has done too much evil to turn to the Lord. Don't think that Jesus won't respond to your repentance and change your life. He is looking for us to listen and to repent. Then, He will respond.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 1-3 and Luke 24:1-35.
Look at Luke 23. The Jewish leaders were calling for Jesus, an innocent man, to be killed. The Romans were mocking Him. The two criminals who were being crucified with Him, mocked Him at first. Then, one of the criminals repented and turned to Jesus in faith. Jesus responded in His agony. He forgave his sins and told him he would be in paradise that day. What a dramatic turn around! That can happen to anyone who will repent of sin and trust Jesus. Joseph of Arimathea was a Jewish leader. He broke ranks with the rest. He repented and turned to Jesus, so much so that he risked his life to receive the dead body of Jesus and put Him in his tomb. That was quite a turnaround for a member of the Sanhedrin, but it shows that anyone can repent of sin and turn to God. Please, don't allow Satan or anyone to fool you in this matter. No one is too evil to turn to Jesus. Don't think that you or anyone else has done too much evil to turn to the Lord. Don't think that Jesus won't respond to your repentance and change your life. He is looking for us to listen and to repent. Then, He will respond.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 1-3 and Luke 24:1-35.