We Need God's Protection and Provision - II Samuel 16-18 and Luke 17:20-37
As David and his men were fleeing from Jerusalem, we read about a series of events that could only have come from God. Even though David was not perfect, and he had sinned badly, he was still God's anointed, and God was protecting him and providing for him. He could have tried to devise a plan and protect himself, but he didn't. David basically threw himself into God's merciful hands, and God protected him. This is a lesson for all of us, because it is easy to try to do it ourselves. God's protection and provision is always the best for us.
Imagine the encouragement that Ziba must have been when he met David on the road. God sent him. Think about the curses of Shimei and David's response. God sent him to keep David humble. Consider the influence of Hushai's advice. God prepared him to be in that place for that time. Picture in your mind David's loyal mighty men and how valiantly they fought for David. They had been sent by God years before. Now, they came to David's rescue. The only one who seemed to act on his own consistently was Joab, but God kept him from messing things us for David. David was sad when he heard about Absalom's death, but God had saved him from disaster. How many times has God done the same thing for us? We should praise Him and thank Him for His protection and provision.
The end of Luke 17 tells us about the return of Christ. Does anyone understand exactly what is going to happen at that time? I don't think anyone knows exactly. We have a lot of clues, but the main thing is to trust in the protection and provision of the Lord. Don't go running after those who claim to be Christ. He will make Himself known like a bolt of lightening. Just be ready by trusting the Lord. We don't need our provisions and protection, we need His. Therefore, we should not worry about what will come. He will be there for us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Samuel 19-20 and Luke 18:1-23.
Imagine the encouragement that Ziba must have been when he met David on the road. God sent him. Think about the curses of Shimei and David's response. God sent him to keep David humble. Consider the influence of Hushai's advice. God prepared him to be in that place for that time. Picture in your mind David's loyal mighty men and how valiantly they fought for David. They had been sent by God years before. Now, they came to David's rescue. The only one who seemed to act on his own consistently was Joab, but God kept him from messing things us for David. David was sad when he heard about Absalom's death, but God had saved him from disaster. How many times has God done the same thing for us? We should praise Him and thank Him for His protection and provision.
The end of Luke 17 tells us about the return of Christ. Does anyone understand exactly what is going to happen at that time? I don't think anyone knows exactly. We have a lot of clues, but the main thing is to trust in the protection and provision of the Lord. Don't go running after those who claim to be Christ. He will make Himself known like a bolt of lightening. Just be ready by trusting the Lord. We don't need our provisions and protection, we need His. Therefore, we should not worry about what will come. He will be there for us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Samuel 19-20 and Luke 18:1-23.