The Atonement for Sin - II Samuel 21-22 and Luke 18:24-43
II Samuel 21 relates a story that really makes us think about the effects of sin and the solution for the effects of sin. There was a famine in Israel for 3 years, and God showed David it was because Saul had broken the covenant with the Gibeonites by killing them, and thus he brought the sin of blood-guiltiness on the whole nation of Israel. Just as when a person kills another person and God requires the murderer to be put to death, in the sin of spilling innocent blood, there needs to be a blood atonement for the sin to be fully forgiven. Look at verse 3. It is evident that David knew that atonement was needed. Atonement is an action whereby God can pour out His anger against sin and be just in forgiving the sin. In this case Saul was already dead, so the atonement was to kill 7 of his relatives. This seems harsh to us, and it may not make sense, because we do not understand the anger of God against sin and the way that God must punish sin to keep it from spreading like wild fire across the whole world. Once the atonement was made, we read about God's blessings returning to Israel in their ability to defeat giants. This is a clear connection to the dealing with the sin of Saul by making atonement. Please, let this be a sober reminder of the seriousness of sin. I believe it should show us why God is not blessing the USA today, because we are definitely guilty of the sin of shedding innocent blood by abortion. The only way to receive forgiveness is to turn back to the Lord in repentance for our sins.
Luke 18 shows us the principle of atonement, too. How could a rich man be saved? There was no human means to save a rich man, but God can do what is impossible for us. Jesus told them that He was going to the Cross to die and then, on the third day to rise again. Why did He emphasize that, and why did He have to do that? His death was the atonement, once and for all, for all sin. Jesus shed His blood, so God could express His anger at sin and be just in forgiving our sins. Without the shedding of His perfect blood, there would be no way for any of us to be saved. However, once the atonement was made, the one who turns to Jesus in repentance and faith can and will be saved by the grace of our Loving Heavenly Father and our Lord, Jesus Christ. Sin is that serious. God had to die for you and me, but first He had to become a man, a relative of ours. Then, Jesus could die in our place. He could provide atonement for our sins, since He is a part of our family now. I pray that we can all see the justice and the mercy of God, as well as the need for atonement because of the seriousness of sin.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Samuel 23-24 and Luke 19:1-27.
Luke 18 shows us the principle of atonement, too. How could a rich man be saved? There was no human means to save a rich man, but God can do what is impossible for us. Jesus told them that He was going to the Cross to die and then, on the third day to rise again. Why did He emphasize that, and why did He have to do that? His death was the atonement, once and for all, for all sin. Jesus shed His blood, so God could express His anger at sin and be just in forgiving our sins. Without the shedding of His perfect blood, there would be no way for any of us to be saved. However, once the atonement was made, the one who turns to Jesus in repentance and faith can and will be saved by the grace of our Loving Heavenly Father and our Lord, Jesus Christ. Sin is that serious. God had to die for you and me, but first He had to become a man, a relative of ours. Then, Jesus could die in our place. He could provide atonement for our sins, since He is a part of our family now. I pray that we can all see the justice and the mercy of God, as well as the need for atonement because of the seriousness of sin.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Samuel 23-24 and Luke 19:1-27.