God's Power to Lift Up and to Put Down - I Samuel 1-3 and Luke 8:26-56
God is the ultimate authority. There is no one so mighty and proud that He can't bring them down, and there is not a person who is too lowly for Him to lift that person up. We may question why God allows some to be lifted up and why He brings down others, but we should not question His authority and power. We must trust His goodness and His wisdom to do the right thing at the right time in the lives of every man and woman. These stories in I Samuel and Luke 8 show this truth very well.
We do not know why Hannah was barren, and it would be wrong to speculate. What we do know is that after she sincerely cried out to God, He lifted her up. She had a son, Samuel, and she gave him to the Lord. Then, she had three more sons and two daughters. The one who had been despised was now exalted. Her son became the priest and prophet for God's people. On the other hand, Eli and his sons, were brought down from their lofty position. The were brought low because of their disregard for the Lord and His offerings. Even Eli ate the meat that was taken wrongly, and he made himself fat. Therefore, God told them they would be brought down. That is how God works. He exalts the humble, and He brings down the proud. Look at the prayer in I Samuel 2. Hannah rejoiced in God's power to lift up and to put down. We should do the same.
Luke 8 tells us about three people. The Gadarene man who had so many demons that his name was Legion or many, the daughter of Jairus, and the lady with the bleeding. All three were lifted up by Jesus. Legion went from being a naked, wild man to being an evangelist to his family and country. The lady went from being insignificant and sick to being famous for her faith. Jairus' daughter was actually raised from the dead. God can lift up anyone, because of His great power and authority over the forces of evil and the corruption of nature because of sin. He does not always choose to work a miracle and lift someone up, but He can do it at any time. We need to trust in His power and authority and depend on Him to do the right thing. He will do the right thing. Then, we can look forward to the final exaltation which is being glorified in heaven. No matter what happens to us in this life, we will be lifted up to be with Him in heaven for eternity, if we know Him. That will make everything else in life seem insignificant.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 4-6 and Luke 9:1-17.
We do not know why Hannah was barren, and it would be wrong to speculate. What we do know is that after she sincerely cried out to God, He lifted her up. She had a son, Samuel, and she gave him to the Lord. Then, she had three more sons and two daughters. The one who had been despised was now exalted. Her son became the priest and prophet for God's people. On the other hand, Eli and his sons, were brought down from their lofty position. The were brought low because of their disregard for the Lord and His offerings. Even Eli ate the meat that was taken wrongly, and he made himself fat. Therefore, God told them they would be brought down. That is how God works. He exalts the humble, and He brings down the proud. Look at the prayer in I Samuel 2. Hannah rejoiced in God's power to lift up and to put down. We should do the same.
Luke 8 tells us about three people. The Gadarene man who had so many demons that his name was Legion or many, the daughter of Jairus, and the lady with the bleeding. All three were lifted up by Jesus. Legion went from being a naked, wild man to being an evangelist to his family and country. The lady went from being insignificant and sick to being famous for her faith. Jairus' daughter was actually raised from the dead. God can lift up anyone, because of His great power and authority over the forces of evil and the corruption of nature because of sin. He does not always choose to work a miracle and lift someone up, but He can do it at any time. We need to trust in His power and authority and depend on Him to do the right thing. He will do the right thing. Then, we can look forward to the final exaltation which is being glorified in heaven. No matter what happens to us in this life, we will be lifted up to be with Him in heaven for eternity, if we know Him. That will make everything else in life seem insignificant.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 4-6 and Luke 9:1-17.