From the Depths to the Heights - Judges 13-15 and Luke 6:27-49
The story of Samson can only be fully understood if it is put in context. The people of Israel had sunk to such depths of idolatry that there was no one who was really seeking to do the Lord's will in His way. They were oppressed by the Philistines, and God did not want them to sink any lower, so he decided to use Samson to punish the Philistines. Many times in the Old Testament God used pagan people to accomplish His will. Here, He used an Israelite, but one who was very nonspiritual. Therefore, God used the fleshly drives of Samson to do His will, instead of requiring Him to do His will in the best possible way. That is why we see Samson acting out of sensuality, anger, revenge, and hatred, but God was still using him. God was not condoning his actions or attitudes, but the whole nation had sunk to such spiritual depths that was the only thing God could do. The life of Samson should cause all of us to reject the fleshly ways of living and follow the way of the spirit, because even though God used Samson, his life was pretty miserable. I believe many Christians experience this same reality, because they live in the flesh. They know God, but they reject His ways, so He can't truly bless them. Their lives become a series of bad decisions and failures, instead of victories.
The messages of Jesus in the New Testament represent the heights of God's ways. Jesus presented God's ideal for all of us. We are to love our enemies, give generously to others, and to forgive others. Our lives are to bear good fruit as we base them on God's sure foundation. This is the picture of living by God's direction and the power of His Spirit. That is the highest way. That is God's will for every person. However, because of pride and the other fleshly drives, many people miss the heights and they live in the depths of disobedience. Jesus is calling all of us to see that He doesn't want anyone to live like that. He doesn't want anyone's life to be like Samson's life. He desires for us to live in victory.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 16-18 and Luke 7:1-30.
The messages of Jesus in the New Testament represent the heights of God's ways. Jesus presented God's ideal for all of us. We are to love our enemies, give generously to others, and to forgive others. Our lives are to bear good fruit as we base them on God's sure foundation. This is the picture of living by God's direction and the power of His Spirit. That is the highest way. That is God's will for every person. However, because of pride and the other fleshly drives, many people miss the heights and they live in the depths of disobedience. Jesus is calling all of us to see that He doesn't want anyone to live like that. He doesn't want anyone's life to be like Samson's life. He desires for us to live in victory.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 16-18 and Luke 7:1-30.