Death Can Bring a New Beginning - Deuteronomy 32-34 and Mark 15:26-47

Today, we read about the deaths of Moses and Jesus. Each one brought about a new beginning. Most of the time, we think of death as being negative, but it is not. It is a natural transition in life. It signals a new era, not an ending. What new beginning will happen when you die?

Moses was blessed by God to lead the Israelites for 40 years. Before he died, God inspired him to write a song for their future edification and to bless the people he had led. Then, Moses went away quietly to die and to go to be with the Lord. His death signalled the beginning of a new era. It was time for Joshua to lead them into the Promised Land. They had heard all of the Law, and they had seen God's power through His prophet, Moses. Now, they had the opportunity to trust God and enjoy the land of milk and honey. What a blessing and a challenge! I believe they were sad to see Moses go, but they were excited at the same time.

In Mark 15 we read about the death of Jesus. He was mocked and spit upon. His death was terribly painful, but it served a purpose. It was God, the Father's, way of starting a new era. He was establishing the new covenant in His blood. Jesus was paying for all of the sins of the world, so that each of us could have a new beginning and a home in heaven. Even as the ladies looked on at the cross, Jesus was giving His life, so we could have eternal life. His death gave the possibility of the grandest new beginning of all. We all owe Him our lives for His death for us. Now, we can spend eternity in the greatest promised land. However, like the Israelites, we must trust Him and follow Him in order to experience a new beginning. It can't come from a head knowledge of the law or just knowing that He died. It has to come through being a disciple of Jesus. We must turn from our ways and trust Him as Lord, following Him all the way. Then, there is a new beginning for us.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 1-3 and Mark 16.

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