The Difference Between the Righteous and the Wicked - Genesis 36-38 and Matthew 10:21-42
These passages give us a lot to consider about the differences between righteous people and wicked people. I pray that each of us will allow the Lord to speak to us about this as we read His Word.
Genesis 36 gives us the genealogy of Esau, but did you notice what was missing? There was no mention of God or righteousness when it came to Edom. They had their kings and chiefs, but there was no consideration of what God wanted them to do. This is true of wicked people. They live for themselves, and they make up the rules for their lives by themselves. We see the same thing in Genesis 37 with Joseph and his brothers. They were angry at Joseph for wanting to do things the right way. They were so angry that they are ready to take the opportunity to kill him. Did they not know that murder was wrong? Yes, they knew that it would be wrong to kill him, but in their eyes they could do that because he deserved it for getting them in trouble and telling them his dreams. They were choosing their own way to take care of their problems. That is how wicked people live. Finally, in Genesis 38 we read that Er was so wicked God killed him, Onan would not follow God's way because of selfishness, and Judah did not keep his word. What was going on? Judah even went to a harlot and that got him in a lot of trouble. They were not trying to live by God's rules, but their own. They were not trusting God, but themselves. That is the basis of being wicked. It is selfishness that forgets God and brings terrible consequences at some point.
Look at what Jesus says about this in Matthew 10. He says families will be divided over the issue of righteousness. People will hate you and persecute you, if you decide to follow the Lord. Why? Disciples of Jesus are trying to let Jesus rule their lives. They are trying to be righteous like Jesus. This makes the wicked feel guilty, and they think if they can get rid of the righteous their guilt will go away. That is not how it works. Jesus said that people should fear Him who has the power to destroy both body and soul in Hell. The guilt will last for eternity, unless we turn to Him and confess Him before men. (v.32) The righteous take up their cross and follow Jesus, instead of trying to do it their own way. The righteous do not focus on themselves, but on Jesus and His will for their lives. What a contrast between the righteous and the wicked!
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 39-40 and Matthew 11.
Genesis 36 gives us the genealogy of Esau, but did you notice what was missing? There was no mention of God or righteousness when it came to Edom. They had their kings and chiefs, but there was no consideration of what God wanted them to do. This is true of wicked people. They live for themselves, and they make up the rules for their lives by themselves. We see the same thing in Genesis 37 with Joseph and his brothers. They were angry at Joseph for wanting to do things the right way. They were so angry that they are ready to take the opportunity to kill him. Did they not know that murder was wrong? Yes, they knew that it would be wrong to kill him, but in their eyes they could do that because he deserved it for getting them in trouble and telling them his dreams. They were choosing their own way to take care of their problems. That is how wicked people live. Finally, in Genesis 38 we read that Er was so wicked God killed him, Onan would not follow God's way because of selfishness, and Judah did not keep his word. What was going on? Judah even went to a harlot and that got him in a lot of trouble. They were not trying to live by God's rules, but their own. They were not trusting God, but themselves. That is the basis of being wicked. It is selfishness that forgets God and brings terrible consequences at some point.
Look at what Jesus says about this in Matthew 10. He says families will be divided over the issue of righteousness. People will hate you and persecute you, if you decide to follow the Lord. Why? Disciples of Jesus are trying to let Jesus rule their lives. They are trying to be righteous like Jesus. This makes the wicked feel guilty, and they think if they can get rid of the righteous their guilt will go away. That is not how it works. Jesus said that people should fear Him who has the power to destroy both body and soul in Hell. The guilt will last for eternity, unless we turn to Him and confess Him before men. (v.32) The righteous take up their cross and follow Jesus, instead of trying to do it their own way. The righteous do not focus on themselves, but on Jesus and His will for their lives. What a contrast between the righteous and the wicked!
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 39-40 and Matthew 11.