December 23, 2006 - Nahum and Revelation 14
Today, we read about the goodness and the severity of God. The book of Nahum is about the destruction of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria. The Assyrians had been God's instrument to punish Israel, but God was not going to let them get away. They were very evil and ruthless, so God had to punish them, too. In fact, Nahum 1:2 tells us that God reserves wrath for His enemies. He alone can carry out totally just revenge, and He does it at the right time. The lesson from Nahum and the rest of the Bible is that you to not want God to be against you. (2:13) However, there is great consolation if God is on your side. Look at Nahum 1:7. God knows those who trust Him, and He is a stronghold in the day of trouble. The whole world around you may be crumbling, but if you trust the Lord, He will see you through. This is how the goodness and the severity of God works.
Revelation 14 has a similar theme. The 144,000 witnesses from chapter 7 are killed by the Antichrist and his forces. However, God in His goodness gives everyone one more chance to be saved. He sends three angels to proclaim the Gospel in the sky. (v.6-13) God is so good! He will no begin His final judgment without a great show of His mercy. However, the time for the end will come. He will save the righteous. (v.14-16) Then, He will harvest the ones who never turned to Jesus. What a happy and sad time that will be. We see both the goodness and the severity of God.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Habakkuk and Revelation 15.
Revelation 14 has a similar theme. The 144,000 witnesses from chapter 7 are killed by the Antichrist and his forces. However, God in His goodness gives everyone one more chance to be saved. He sends three angels to proclaim the Gospel in the sky. (v.6-13) God is so good! He will no begin His final judgment without a great show of His mercy. However, the time for the end will come. He will save the righteous. (v.14-16) Then, He will harvest the ones who never turned to Jesus. What a happy and sad time that will be. We see both the goodness and the severity of God.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Habakkuk and Revelation 15.