December 2, 2006 - Ezekiel 42-44 and I John 1
There is a definite connection between the message of Ezekiel in chapters 42-44 and the message of I John 1. I am sure each of us will see it as we read, but let's all take time to think about it and meditate on these truths, too.
Ezekiel 42-44 is the completion of Ezekiel's' vision of the new Temple for the future. When the Temple is finished the glory of the Lord, or the presence of God comes to live in the Temple. (43:2) Then, the altar is cleansed before the sacrifices begin, and the priests are sanctified before they can begin their ministry. God does not want any sin to hinder the worship of those coming to the Temple. He does not want unclean priests doing His work. Therefore, He gives rules, and He admonishes them to be totally committed to Him.
In I John 1 we see these truths from the New Covenant perspective. Jesus is Lord. He came down to earth to live, to die, and to rise again for our sins. Now, anyone who trusts Him and turns from his sins can come into fellowship with Jesus. The Spirit will come to live in Him, because now we as believers are the Temple of God. For us to be used by God we must remain clean before Him, so we must confess our sins regularly and stay clean. (v.9) This is the only way people will see Jesus in this world now. They must see Him in us, and they must hear Him speak through us, or else they will not come to know Him. As we have fellowship with Jesus we will have fellowship with other believers. People will see our love for each other and be drawn to Christ, too. It all comes down to the presence of God. In the Old Testament He was in the Temple, and now He is in each believer. Let's all ask Him to fill us and to use us for His glory.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 45-46 and I John 2.
Ezekiel 42-44 is the completion of Ezekiel's' vision of the new Temple for the future. When the Temple is finished the glory of the Lord, or the presence of God comes to live in the Temple. (43:2) Then, the altar is cleansed before the sacrifices begin, and the priests are sanctified before they can begin their ministry. God does not want any sin to hinder the worship of those coming to the Temple. He does not want unclean priests doing His work. Therefore, He gives rules, and He admonishes them to be totally committed to Him.
In I John 1 we see these truths from the New Covenant perspective. Jesus is Lord. He came down to earth to live, to die, and to rise again for our sins. Now, anyone who trusts Him and turns from his sins can come into fellowship with Jesus. The Spirit will come to live in Him, because now we as believers are the Temple of God. For us to be used by God we must remain clean before Him, so we must confess our sins regularly and stay clean. (v.9) This is the only way people will see Jesus in this world now. They must see Him in us, and they must hear Him speak through us, or else they will not come to know Him. As we have fellowship with Jesus we will have fellowship with other believers. People will see our love for each other and be drawn to Christ, too. It all comes down to the presence of God. In the Old Testament He was in the Temple, and now He is in each believer. Let's all ask Him to fill us and to use us for His glory.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 45-46 and I John 2.