November 28, 2006 - Ezekiel 33-34 and I Peter 5
God is a person, and He has a deep personal love and care for each person who is born into this world. Satan's tactic is to come to us and tell us that God does not care, but that lie is never true in any way. Do not listen to Satan, but draw near to the Lord who loves you so much. I pray that you will think about God's care for you as you read these passages.
Ezekiel 33 tells us that God set up Ezekiel as a watchman to protect the people of God from attacks. That is a part of what God does for us all the time. He provides people who sound the alarm for sin and Satan. We must realize the call comes from a caring God, who is trying to protect us and heed the warning. It is up to the watchmen to warn, and it is up to us to heed the warning. However, in the midst of all of that love and care, people still say that God is not fair. (v.17) I assure you God is the most fair individual in the universe, because He is the only one with perfect knowledge and judgment. He will hold us accountable for every sin. We can't get points for being righteous and then go out and sin with no consequences. (v.13) On the other hand, if a wicked person does right, God rewards that person. He does all of this each day with perfect equity, because He knows each person's heart. He knows when we say we hear, but we do nothing about what He has told us. (v.31) He provides the watchmen and the prophets to direct us. (v.33) However, we must listen and obey.
Ezekiel 34 tells us how God was very upset with the shepherds of the people of God, the priests of Ezekiel's time. They were not caring for the flock, but for themselves. God judged them for their sin, and then, God cared for the people Himself. (v.15) What an act of love! God is not too busy for you and me. In fact, His ultimate act of love was to send Jesus, the greatest shepherd. (v.23) I think that is who He is referring to when He speaks about sending David. God is there for you. He even died for you. How can anyone say He odes not care, and He is not fair?
I Peter 5 picks up the same theme. The elders of the church are the shepherds of God's flock today, and God calls on them to take care of His sheep. He wants everyone to know that he cares so much we can cast all of our cares on Him. (v.7) He wants us to see that Satan is trying to devour us, but if we draw close to Him and stay together as believers, Satan has no way to harm us. When we do get injured, God has human shepherds and the Holy Spirit to bind us up and bring healing.
Tomorrow, I Intend to read Ezekiel 35-36 and II Peter 1.
Ezekiel 33 tells us that God set up Ezekiel as a watchman to protect the people of God from attacks. That is a part of what God does for us all the time. He provides people who sound the alarm for sin and Satan. We must realize the call comes from a caring God, who is trying to protect us and heed the warning. It is up to the watchmen to warn, and it is up to us to heed the warning. However, in the midst of all of that love and care, people still say that God is not fair. (v.17) I assure you God is the most fair individual in the universe, because He is the only one with perfect knowledge and judgment. He will hold us accountable for every sin. We can't get points for being righteous and then go out and sin with no consequences. (v.13) On the other hand, if a wicked person does right, God rewards that person. He does all of this each day with perfect equity, because He knows each person's heart. He knows when we say we hear, but we do nothing about what He has told us. (v.31) He provides the watchmen and the prophets to direct us. (v.33) However, we must listen and obey.
Ezekiel 34 tells us how God was very upset with the shepherds of the people of God, the priests of Ezekiel's time. They were not caring for the flock, but for themselves. God judged them for their sin, and then, God cared for the people Himself. (v.15) What an act of love! God is not too busy for you and me. In fact, His ultimate act of love was to send Jesus, the greatest shepherd. (v.23) I think that is who He is referring to when He speaks about sending David. God is there for you. He even died for you. How can anyone say He odes not care, and He is not fair?
I Peter 5 picks up the same theme. The elders of the church are the shepherds of God's flock today, and God calls on them to take care of His sheep. He wants everyone to know that he cares so much we can cast all of our cares on Him. (v.7) He wants us to see that Satan is trying to devour us, but if we draw close to Him and stay together as believers, Satan has no way to harm us. When we do get injured, God has human shepherds and the Holy Spirit to bind us up and bring healing.
Tomorrow, I Intend to read Ezekiel 35-36 and II Peter 1.