December 14, 2006 - Joel and Revelation 5
God inspired the prophet, Joel, to give a seamless prophecy that dealt with conditions in his own time and future events. His emphasis is that God wanted to restore His people, but they would have to turn back to Him, before that could happen. The Lord called on the Israelites to call for a fast and a sacred assembly of the people to cry out to Him in repentance. I would like for us to think about this and apply it to our lives today.
Joel uses the symbolic invasion of locusts to describe God's complete destruction of the land, because of the sins of the people. God's remedy for this destruction is to call everyone together in a sacred assembly. (1:14;2:15-17) The people were to fast and to sincerely call upon the Lord for forgiveness as a group. The priests were to weep before the altar during this service of repentance. Then, God would hear them and restore His people. I believe the church needs to practice this type of sacred assembly during times of sin and returning to the Lord. It is much different than our regular times of worship, but it is very important to be unified in crying out to God for restoration and not just to do it individually.
In Revelation 5 we read about a praise service in heaven. All living creatures are worshiping Jesus for dying for our sins and providing redemption for us. This should be the model for our regular times of worship. We should focus on Jesus and his sacrifice for us. We should be unified in this praise. With one voice the church should give all of the glory to the One who gave Himself for us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Amos 1-3 and Revelation 6.
Joel uses the symbolic invasion of locusts to describe God's complete destruction of the land, because of the sins of the people. God's remedy for this destruction is to call everyone together in a sacred assembly. (1:14;2:15-17) The people were to fast and to sincerely call upon the Lord for forgiveness as a group. The priests were to weep before the altar during this service of repentance. Then, God would hear them and restore His people. I believe the church needs to practice this type of sacred assembly during times of sin and returning to the Lord. It is much different than our regular times of worship, but it is very important to be unified in crying out to God for restoration and not just to do it individually.
In Revelation 5 we read about a praise service in heaven. All living creatures are worshiping Jesus for dying for our sins and providing redemption for us. This should be the model for our regular times of worship. We should focus on Jesus and his sacrifice for us. We should be unified in this praise. With one voice the church should give all of the glory to the One who gave Himself for us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Amos 1-3 and Revelation 6.